Thursday, March 14, 2019

15 January 2019 show #5

Patrick asks the rods: Is the Sun still shining?
Rods: No
Pat asks if he has a strong connection with Source.
Source: Yes
Then he calibrates the chart.

Pat: We have a question for Earth: During the atomic bomb explosions, were you impacted by this?
Earth: These explosions were very detrimental to me. I have not, even now, fully recovered. These explosions affect not only this reality, but intersecting dimensions, timelines and other realities. Finish

Pat: Can we speak with Mercury please?
Chart: Yes
Pat: The question is--is something chasing you?
Mercury: The object is entering my orbit and is affecting not only me but other planets and moons in this solar system. Finish

Pat: This is a question for Uranus--Are you the god of the planets?
Uranus: No

Pat: Would you do the honors Wayne?
Wayne: Yes

Wayne: Jupiter, may we speak with you?
Jupiter: Yes
Wayne: Thank you. The question is amongst the people of Earth is we’ve noticed that your frequency of your core being has changed. Can you tell us why?
Jupiter: This change of frequency has been happening for centuries. This is part of my own progression from a planet to a star. Finish

Wayne: Earth, may we speak to you?
Earth: Yes
Wayne: Earth, we have noticed the magnetic north pole moving. It this an indication of something much more serious?
Earth: This change in the magnetics is happening as part of a cycle. It is not anything to worry about. Finish

Wayne has a problem with how to word a question for the Sun and comes up with this:
Is man correct on our thoughts of where we are in the Milky Way?
Patrick asks: is that because of the theory that we’ve moved from one part to another part? Wayne says, yes sir, approximately 50 thousand light years!!! (Wayne laughs :)

Patrick then says, we could word that several ways….we could say, is our position in the Milky Way constant? Wayne poses the question:

Wayne: May be speak to the Sun?
Chart: Yes
Wayne: Thank you. Sun, are we where we think we are in the Milky Way, and if not, how wrong are we?
(Pat mentions here that it’s always a good sign when the pendulum swings clockwise)
Sun: Our position within the Milky Way is not fixed, we can move across the galaxy. There are unseen forces that are applied to all things and this force changes the position of all celestial bodies. Finish

Wayne: May we speak to the Earth?
Chart: Yes
Wayne: The question has been asked that we have seen evidences of a time when there were giant trees along with dinosaurs. Were there trees that we now see as big as continents….no, that’s not right….cities, that is what I meant.
Earth: There has been many civilizations come and go. There has been many different types of biology, plant life and all of these can come in very, very large size. Trees especially can grow to what you would call giant size. The time of the dinosaurs was a particularly large time in Earth’s history. Everything will change, then change back again. This is what happens. Finish
(Wayne says: That was far-out Earth...Thank you, thank you, thank you!)

Wayne: Mars, is there humans on your planet now?
Mars: There have been many species on my surface, human and so-called alien. There are still beings of all description living on, or to be more correct, under the surface of myself. Finish

Wayne: Ganymede (one of Jupiter’s 79 known moons) may we speak with you:
Chart: Yes
Wayne: Thank you. The question as been asked, are there our kind on your surface?
Ganymede: The surface beings are mostly human, however there are also others. Your entire solar system is flooded with life. Finish

Wayne: May we speak with Venus?
Chart: Yes
Wayne: Hello Venus, the question is asked of our species, is there life contained in your
Venus: No, only under my surface. It is too hot. Finish

Wayne: Earth, may we speak with you?
Chart: Yes
Wayne: Earth, we have a machine called CERN. What does it do to you?
Earth: CERN has always affected because it interrupts the timelines and distorts dimensions and I am very concerned because there is a plan to build a larger version of CERN. This could be catastrophic for the inhabitants of Earth. Finish

Pat: This is a question for Earth, is that okay?
Chart: Yes
Pat: An increasing number of people on the Earth believe that there is life in the center of Earth, i.e. that the Earth is hollow and that there is a totally separate civilizations, cities….what can you tell us about this please.
Earth: The Earth is hollow. There is a smaller sun at my center. This facilitates life that used to be on the surface. This life also includes what your would call aliens, but they are not extraterrestrials because they come from Earth, only from inside. There has been wars between the different species above and below the surface, and at times life on the surface has been wiped out. Then those from below ventured to the surface and started their own civilizations and this has happened many, many times and could happen again if the inhabitants of the center of Earth feel that man is jeopardizing life itself. Finish

Wayne: Is the Earth a prison planet and are there spirits trapped here?
Pat: The chart says yes
Earth: The Earth has always been a prison planet in the sense that although those that incarnate here do so of their own free will. Once they are here they forget what was before and become prisoners to this reality and many, many pass through this reality without ever deciding that this is fake. Finish

watch show #5 here

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2 July 2019 #16

Wayne is asking the questions and Patrick is “connecting” with, and answering for the entity being asked.  There are some spots where the ...