Thursday, June 27, 2019

25 June 2019 #15

11:00--Wayne:  Mars Frequency, are you there?

Pat:  Yes, hello Wayne.

W:  How are you my friend?

P:  I am much better, I am in high spirits than I was the last time
we spoke.  I am receiving much love and it is appreciated.

W:  I’ll tell you Mars, we feel, I don’t know, what I sense is that
there is a connection and you’re in the news here.  I have to
say, they’re now saying that they’re finding possible life, I mean
..can I ask you before we ask our question Mars?  Is there life on you?

P:  There is life on me and as I’ve said before, there is life within me.

W:  Yes, well that would make sense, they’ve found methane.  We
have a young lady here who’s name is Amy and she apparently
wants to know if you hear her talking to you?

P:  I hear everybody who talks to me.  The young children who talk
to me are especially poignant, it really lifts my spirit.  Hello Amy,
sending you love.

W:  Amy, keep talking to Mars, let me tell ya, and this is just me
Amy, he’s really a cool dude, he really is.  So Mars, there is a
question that has been asked as well, is that recently we’ve
noticed that there is a blue substance that appears to be under
your surface.  Can you tell us what that is? Or is it just like soil,
like here ...I don’t know.

P:  It is just part of my chemical makeup Wayne.  

W:  Ok, that would make sense.  I don’t have anything else for
you Mars.  Do you have anything you would like to share with us? 
There’s a lot of people listening.

P:  Myself and my brothers and sisters, the other planets and
the moons, we are all increasing in frequency and in energy. 
We are all transmuting this energy into love and transmitting it
to you. Just think of us, talk to us, tune into our frequency and
you will be uplifted.  We love you.

W:  Mars, we love you and I’m telling you, I just appreciate you,
I just feel such a kinship to you.  Thank you Mars.

P:  You’re welcome.

15:45  RobertUSNVet question to our moon.
W:  Moon Frequency, are you there?

P:  Yes, hello Wayne.

W:  How are you?

P:  I’m very well thank you.  I have more people who know the
real me and where I am not than before.

W:  Yes, I think that this kinda goes in with the question that we
have for you.  The question is this: Are you aware that you’re
being used as a source of low frequency signals that keep
humanity in what we call 3D density and the question is, I
guess added to that, is this using ancient technology?

P:  I am not being used to do any such thing.  There are fake
moons in your sky that are being used to do this, not me.  I am
100% benevolent.

W:  I would just like to follow on with that Moon...I get the sense
that many of us haven’t probably really actually seen you.

P:  I can be seen using a telescope on the right day, on the right
circumstances, but you only see a very faint light.  I am dark and
I am further out than you are taught, as is most of my brothers and
sisters in this solar system. The solar system is far bigger than you
are taught.  The influence of the sun extends beyond your imagination.

W:  So the 250-225 thousand miles is basically an illusion?

P:  Yes it fits in with the narrative.

W:  Interesting.  Moon, there has been a heavy debate here,
and the question that has been asked, and I want to get this
while we have you...well this is very interesting, the question is
coming from for the you are further out and dark, was
there a moon landing by Earth astronauts on your surface in
1969?  Thank you.

P:  Mankind landed on my surface a long time before 1969. 
The landing that was televised was fake. You were here before
then---on the real me. There are alien races on my surface.  This
has been going on for centuries. Your history is not the truth.

W:  Ok Moon, this is just amazing.  I am just taken away by that.
Are there other species that have landed on your surface?

P:  Yes and they are still here.

W:  Are they benevolent or are they of a beneficial aspect to humanity?

P:  The majority are benevolent.  There are malevolent entities here. 
You do not see it but there is a war going on in space around your planet.

W:  Does this have anything to do Moon, to what was being recorded
in our instruments about 7-8 years ago, maybe 10 years ago?

P:  You often pick up noises, flashes, signals that are a result of
battles in space.  This war has been going on for a long time.

W:  Is it intensifying?

P:  It is reaching its peak.

W:  Are your brothers and sisters, the other planets, the other
moons, are they being manipulated by these forces?

P:  Not manipulated, they are being used, especially the moons

are being used as bases to extract materials.  The planets
themselves are accustomed to the negative energy and
attempted influence from these beings. The hardest ones
to deal with are the interdimensionals.

W:  Can you speak a little more on the interdimensionals?

P:  The Elohim.

W:  That’s what I thought.  So Moon, I have a question.  I’ve often
wondered...our ancestors worshipped you, in fact we had a culture
here known as the Sumerians...they viewed you and called you
Inanna, there was other names.  How do you feel about that?
Do you miss that attention or was it important to you?

P:  Myself and all the other objects within the solar system have
had many interactions with the civilizations on planet Earth.  Many
civilizations have come and gone and we end up having a connection
with each. Some have ascended, I believe that has been mentioned
before, some have been destroyed after a reset and I believe you’ve
already been told that you could go either way.

W:  Yes.  Moon, I have so many other questions...I knew the last human,
at least that we were told, that walked on your surface and he told me
that he sensed a presence when he came out of the lunar module. 
I’m curious, is this that energy that you’re talking, that most people never
see you at...I know it’s kinda confusing, let me just re-state that. Is this
energy that he felt, this presence that he felt, is that you or is that
something else?

P:  That was something else Wayne.  That’s the influence from the
other dimension.

W:  I see that, oh, okay.  Well Moon, there’s a thousand questions
going here, but I just thank you.  I have one last question--is it what
our instruments have shown that there is, are you hollow?  Is at
least that’s what was recorded by our instruments.

P:  Most of the planets and moons are hollow.

W:  Well thank you, thank you Moon.  This has been great. I’m
sure we will be back.  Thank you for blowing our minds, as it would be said.

P:  You are still learning Wayne.

W:  Yes, always shall.  Thank you my friend.

P:  You’re welcome.

26:00--W:  Earth Frequency, are you available?

P:  Yes Wayne.

W:  Hello mother, how are you?

P:  I’m very well, thank you.

W:  It’s been a little while since we last talked and there are
some questions.  Are you doing okay? Is your changes, your
ascension still going? Is it accelerating? 

P:  I am still expanding in size, this is having an effect on the
water level on the planet.  It is also having an effect on frequency
and this will in turn have an effect on you all.  

W:  I was just thinking Earth, that we’re seeing very unusual
weather patterns, changes.  Are we in store for more of these changes?

P:   They will be more frequent and at times, more severe.  Some
places that are usually cool will become hot, hot places will become
cool.  There is a change.

W:  We sense it mother, we do.  There is a question that many
people want to know.  With the Fukushima disaster that took place,
how much poisoning has it really impacted upon you?

P:  It has affected the wildlife more than myself.  It is ongoing,
there is still leakage coming from there.  The radioactivity is
increasing within the oceans of myself.  I am using all I have to
try and reverse it, it is a big job.

W:  I can only imagine mother.  One of the questions that has
been asked is how’s humanity doing in connection with the new
Earth grid?  I’ll just put the question out.

P:  Humanity as a whole is becoming more aware, you would
say, “waking up”.  It is a slow process. There can be many false
leads. If you have an open heart and ponder out you will find the
truth.  Talk to me and you will receive confirmation.

W:  Anybody can talk with you, can’t they?

P:  Yes, you are my children.

W:  You know I sensed that today in my meditation.  When I
sensed that ma’am, it became very clear that if you were not
alive, neither would we be.  So, a question, continuing--many
humans are not allowed to know what is going on in Antarctica.
Could you give us any type of insight about what is taking place
in Antarctica?

P:  Before Antarctica became frozen it was it thriving civilization. 
They were in visitation with other beings, benevolent beings.
When the freeze happened, it happened very rapidly and most
of the civilization were destroyed.  There are excavations happening
and they are finding cities, they are finding technology that is
(pardon the pun) out of this world.

W:  Yes, yes.  Earth, mother, on this one, there are some who says,
can you share some knowledge with us about the galactic light
forces?  I guess these are beings that are here with us and about
the ones amongst us at this time. How many different species of
intelligences, mother, is actually here?

P:  too many to count Wayne.  There are many represented here. 
Some incarnate into human form, some do not.  Some are just
out of sight, cannot be seen, some play a role in guiding you,
influencing you, not forcing you.  Some are just witnesses.

W:  Is there...we’ve been told that there is a war going on in our

solar system.  What do you know of this mother?  

P:  Your solar system has many more objects than you are taught. 
There are many precious minerals and metals on these planetoids. 
It is a scarce commodity that is sought after.

W:  I’m getting a picture in my head…it’s pretty interesting.  So mother,
I guess the question that I am curious about--there seems to be this,
we’ve talked to you about what we call the Schumann Resonance,
your frequency.  It’s changing, it’s off the scale, you’re expanding.
It appears that our magnetic poles are now reversing. Where is this
leading to and is there anything that man can do to change any of this?

P:  It cannot be stopped.  It is a continual process.  There is an
energetic change happening within myself.  You also will be
changed, you will have your abilities activated.  You will come
to a fuller understanding of your full potential--this is a good thing!

W:  Mother Earth, can you talk to us, tell us a little bit about the
time of the giants.  We see evidence of a different Earth than
the one we see today. What was the time of the giants like?

P:  Giants are still here Wayne.  There are giants in Antarctica,
there are giants around the planet, they came from Tiamat. 
They were here at the time of the dinosaurs, they have
remained here. Some believe they were wiped out, this
is not the case.  They simply went into hiding, some went
to the hollow Earth.

W:  So, this is so interesting mother, when you just said that. 
The battle that we saw with Tiamat that was depicted in the
pictographs going back to the times of the Mesopotamian Era,
so this really did take place?  There really was another actual planet?

P:  Yes that is now the asteroid belt.

W:  And those being come here?

P:  Correct.

W:  Mother Earth…

P:  Why wouldn’t they Wayne?

W:  Ya know, it only makes sense.  I can’t see a more
habitable energy that what you produce.  I’m sorry mother,
I’m seeing this because it appears that we live in an
illusion, that the real Earth is something I don’t think
man really sees.

P:  Man is very limited in his perception.

W:  One last question mother.  Plastic. This seems to be
everywhere on you, that there doesn’t seem to be any
place that this chemical compound is not.  Is this having
an effect on you?

P:  On the wildlife, on the animals, on the sea life more than
on me.  I can deal with this, they can not. It is very sad. 

W:  Yes it is.  One last question mother.  So, we have a very
large reservoir of fresh water deep underneath you.  Do you
have other vast reservoirs of fresh water that man is not even
aware of? 

P:  Yes.

W:  Thank you mother, we love you.  Thank you so much.

P:  I love you too.  Please talk to me.

W:  Yes, we shall.  Favor to you Earth.

P:  Thank you.

37:45--W:  Saturn Frequency, are you here?

P:  Hello Wayne.

W:  Good friend, how are you?

P:  I am doing very well thank you.  I am winning the battle.

W:  Excellent, excellent, and I hope that us sending you some
energy is helping in that we root you on.

P:  This is very important, to continue to send me love.  Love
is the greatest weapon.

W:  In all dimensions, isn’t it.

P:  In all dimensions, realities, timelines, everything.   It is
the greatest frequency.

W:  I just love that.  Saturn, we have a question for you. 
Let’s see--one person wants to know, were you once a destroyer star?

P:  I was once a sun.  A star, a destroyer star, no.

W:  In that distant past were you...was Earth much closer to you?

P:  Earth was in the solar system of your current sun.  I came
in and we joined, it is closer to me now that it was.  

W:  I love this.  So Saturn, we have a question...the...we have
a book here which is a sacred book and in that book it talks
about generations and it talks about the generation of Adam,
Seth, Enosh, Cain, Malachi and Enoch Methusela.  The
question that they want to know--are these referring to other
stellar bodies?

P:  No, these are referring to control mechanisms to control
the human population.

W:  Okay.  We have noticed some changes taking place on
your rings and I know this has been asked before, but it seems
to be accelerating.  Can you give us any insight as to what is going on?

P:  I’ve mentioned before, there are those who are using my
rings to try and control you, to keep you unaware of your
full potential.  I am fighting against this with your help. I
believe I have turned a corner and they are doubling their
efforts. They will not win.

W:  Excellent, excellent.  Well Saturn, is there anything you’d
like to say to us?  We haven’t talked in a while.

P:  I am stronger than I was.  I am happier than I was. I am, how
you would say, getting better at what I need to do.

W:  Saturn, I have one other question.  Are you being moved in your orbit?

P:  All of the planets and moons are being affected by additional
objects coming into this solar system.  We are all being put out
of alignment.

W:  Thank you Saturn.  I’m going to be talking to your brothers
and sisters, Neptune and Uranus and asking them the same
questions because they seem to be very heavily impacted right now.

P:  There are at the forefront of this.

W:  There’s an object coming in isn’t there?

P:  A big one.

W:  I thought so.  Well Saturn, we wish you very good success. 
We send you love and the battle because when
you win it, it’s going to be a victory for us.

P:  Thank you Wayne.

W:  Thank you...WOW!

43:12--W:  Neptune Frequency, are you there?

P:  Yes Wayne, hello.

W:  How are you good friend?

P:  I am managing okay, it is a worrying time, but we are all
pulling together.

W:  Speaking of that, what is happening with you?  We are
noticing tremendous perturbations’re out of your orbit,
you’re on your side, it looks like you’re struggling.

P:  I am at the forefront of this change.  I believe I’ve mentioned
before that we are entering a region of space we have not
entered before.  This brings changes we are not expecting,
the additional changes we feel from outside objects that are
being attracted into our space.  It’s having an affect on us all.
It is a worrying time.

W:  Yes. to know, when you were just speaking...the
Kuiper belt.  Why do I keep hearing that in my head from you?

P:  All the objects within the influence of the sun are being affected. 
There is a struggle going on to prevent many objects crashing into
the planets.  Jupiter is leading the work on this by attracting them.

W:  Wow.  Okay, I’m going to have to think what I just saw in my head, 
Is there anything you’d like to talk to us? Is there anything you’d like to
say to us?

P:  It is a, as I have said, worrying time.  Primarily we are here to help
you grow to fulfill your potential.  You are coming under stress
energetically, so are we. We also receive physical stress from the outside
forces.  We, as a solar system, what we would call a family, I believe it’s been
mentioned before, we are going to pass through a very dense debris field
--this is concerning.

W:  I see that, I see that, I see that, I see that.  Well Neptune, keep yourself
safe, we will be in touch and we send you loving energy.

P:  Thank you, it is very much appreciated Wayne.  Good to speak
with you again.

W:  Thank you my friend.

50:27--W:  Uranus Frequency, are you out there?

P:  Yes Wayne.

W:  Well good friend, how are you?

P:  Concerned,

W:  Yes, could you elaborate on that?

P:  I can see further ahead than the rest of my brothers and sisters. 
I can feel the energetic changes before them. It, as it’s been said, is a
worrying time simply because we do not know what is coming.

W:  Uranus, the question fact I just saw it in my head as you were
talking...are you of the sun or are you of the origin of another star?

P:  I was born in another system and I joined this one.

W:  Interesting because that’s what it looks like.  It looks like you
came in from the outside.

P:  Correct.

W:  So Uranus, the next question I have--from where you came from,
is this what’s coming towards us?

P:  The system I originated in was on the same trajectory as your
current system.  It was further ahead of you. You are now, shall we say,
catching up.

W:  Yes, that makes sense.  That would have a sense…

P:  Both systems are, how could we say it, rolling through space together.

W:  Almost like a waltz, a dance.

P:  Good analogy Wayne.

W:  Thank you, that’s exactly what I see.  But this dance is enormous
in space and size.

P:  And in effect and influence.

W:  So Uranus, a question on the things we call dark holes.  Have
you encountered those before?

P:  I have sensed the energy coming from these, I have not entered
one, passed through one.  There is many things we have not
experienced. The universe is very, very, very old.

W:  I get that sense, yes, I get that sense.  Aer you in any particular distress?

P:  It is not distress, it is concern and it is simply the not knowing.

W:  Yeah it is always, isn’t it.

P:  We deal with each event as it happens.  We are united in our
goals. We will do our best.

W:  Well, I’ve just got this sense, I know that space is very cold and
can be very lonely.  We just send you warmth and much love Uranus.
Thank you.

P:  Thank you Wayne.  

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2 July 2019 #16

Wayne is asking the questions and Patrick is “connecting” with, and answering for the entity being asked.  There are some spots where the ...