Saturday, July 6, 2019

2 July 2019 #16

Wayne is asking the questions and Patrick is “connecting” with, and answering for
the entity being asked.  There are some spots where the grammar seems awkward,
but it is what’s actually being said.   Watch the episode: Talking With the Planets

Wayne:  Reaching out to the frequency of Neptune.  How are you?

Pat:  I’m doing okay Wayne, thank you.

Wayne:  Someone was observing you on 28 June of this year, they want to know if there
was a dark object near you, and did you know what it was?

Pat:  There are many objects approaching this solar system.  Some are closer to me,
some are closer to my brothers and sisters.  The dark spot spoken of was actually a
cloaking device. I do not yet know what is behind it.  Finish

Wayne:  Thank you.  Neptune, when you say a cloaking device, I’m gathering that you
perceive that to be artificial.

Pat:  Correct

Wayne:  Thank you, just for clarification.  This person apparently was watching you
and they felt that you had put it into their thought that you were guiding them and
sending love, so maybe they’re sending you love, so thank you.

Pat:  All the planets send love to the inhabitants of Earth, sister Earth.

Wayne:  We can use it, and I know all the planets can as well.  So Neptune, we don’t
have a chance to talk to you. How are you doing?  We see changes on your atmosphere,
I’m gathering, how is the transitioning?

Pat:  It is different.  We are all changing, we are all raising our frequency I believe. 
My sister, Earth Frequency, is continuing to increase. It is, let me say, expected,
considering the changes we are going through, and as mentioned before, the way
in which we are traveling across the galaxy.  Finish

Wayne:  Yes, I can see that, and you would have the most optimum view out there. 
Another question while we have you Neptune. Your brothers and sisters, I’m not sure,
you are, it’s on it’s side, we know that it’s having perturbations.  Are you feeling the
same impacts?

Pat:   I can feel the same energies, although not as strong, although this will increase
with time.  Finish

Wayne:  And your rings--excuse me, I don’t think you have rings--or do you?

Pat:  Not at the moment.

Wayne:  Very interesting.  Neptune, we send you our love.  Thank you, thank you for
your time, and is there anything you would like to say to those who are listening?

Pat:  The number one message has to be, do not live in fear.  Finish

Wayne:  Thank you my friend, that is good advice.

Wayne:  So let’s talk with the Sun Frequency.  Sun Frequency, are you there?

Pat:  Yes Wayne, always good to speak with you.

Wayne:  It’s always good to speak with you.  It’s always good to know that when I
ascend, we’ll be on a first name basis, I mean that.  So how are you?

Pat:  I am doing very well, thank you Wayne.

Wayne:  I may say, you are looking spectacular.  Could I ask you a question? It has
been noticed by our scientists that you’re going to be getting active again.  The
question I have for you, is this activity going to be less or greater than the last
cycle you were in?  

Pat:  It will be less.

Wayne:  Okay, and I’m then assuming, and I want to make sure that--less seems cold,
I don’t know.  Is that a very basic way of correlating the two?

Pat:  It is part of it.  I have mentioned before that the sun you see in your sky is not me. 
I am not emitting light at the moment, I am emitting energy. I am, how would you say,
trying to re-ignite.  Finish

Wayne:  Okay, then that kinda leads into the next question.  We’d like to know, are there
other objects orbiting near or around you, and I’m assuming that these are not known
planets or moons?

Pat:  There are many objects throughout the entire solar system that are not known to
you humans.  Some are visible, some are not. Some are purely energetic, some
are purely spiritual. Finish

Wayne:  Sun, I just had the thought entered my mind that as we speak about ourselves,
sometimes in multiple personalities, multiple existences, we have a mind, we have
a body, one of the questions I have for you--is there a spiritual side to you that modern
man has not recognized or has forgotten?

Pat:  It has been known in the past, I believe in one of our early discussions with
yourself, you were told that each planet has its own spirituality, it’s own individual
spirituality, but we are also part of a collective spirituality that we can exercise
as a whole.  Finish

Wayne:  Would the condition of man’s spirituality collectively impact you?

Pat:  Impact, no.  We would recognize the energy if man knew how powerful he
is as a collective.  Your world would be a different place. Finish

Wayne:  Wow, outstanding.  The last part of this Sun, I don’t know what this is,
maybe you do.  It is said that there are people using Andrea(sp?) crystals to keep
our consciousness confined?

Pat:  There are many technologies that are used to inhibit the progression of
humankind, especially in the area of your natural abilities, crystals are primarily
good. They can be used for negative purposes, especially if they come from
outside this solar system.  There is a mismatch in energy and frequency, however,
mother Earth is very experienced with the energy power of her own crystals and
you should not fear this. Finish

Wayne:  Sun, one other question if we may ask and thank you for that answer. 
Is there a presence that you maintain and hold in the, what we would call the
spiritual realm, the ether?

Pat:  As above, so below Wayne.

Wayne:  That’s what I thought.  Well, thank you Sun, we wish you well.  We give
you favor and we send you favor.

Pat:  Likewise.

Wayne:  Thank you.  Saturn Frequency, are you available?

Pat:  Yes, hello Wayne.

Wayne:  Well, how are you?

Pat:  Better than I have been.

Wayne:  I got that sense.  I don’t know, we’re in the midst of many changes Saturn,
but I have a sense that there is much more energy emanating from you, and speaking
of your energy Saturn, we have a question that--can humans, from Earth, use your
rings to pull positive energy into Earth’s electric magnetic fields?

Pat:  My rings are primarily used to inhibit the progression of mankind.  It is energy.
Any energy can be transmuted into whatever purpose or intention you have, so yes,
it can turn the tables.  Finish

Wayne:  I want to follow up with that is, by the way, in my nomenclature--far out.  So I
can see on this, on the power of multiples, one would stand by alone, two would be
the double.  Is that how our ancestors approached you in the past, was (I guess I’m
trying to use this word properly) to blend into your energy?

Pat:  It is simply a matter of matching frequency with frequency.  It is something that
was taught generations ago, eons ago. Different civilizations have all been taught
this skill.  Your civilization have been betrayed and held back.  Finish

Wayne:  I sense that.  Saturn, while you were talking, I’m getting images and I have
to ask this question.  When you take physical form, what is your preference in the
sexes, male or female?

Pat:  Myself, I prefer the male, but the female is (sorry gentlemen) far superior.  Finish

Wayne:  All I can say is I can appreciate that Saturn, I really can!  So, another question
is--we’re seeing what appears to be changes within your rings.  Is this part of this
transmutation that you were talking when we first contacted you?

Pat:  That is correct, although there are other forces being brought to bear as we
travel towards the galactic center.  The frequency changes would have happened
anyway, but there are also other forces at hand. All will be well Wayne, do not worry.

Wayne:  Well, I’m looking forward to seeing you as I make the transition Saturn.  Much
love and much favor to you.

Pat:  Love you always.

Wayne:  May we speak to the Pluto Frequency?

Pat:  Hello again Wayne.

Wayne:  How are you?

Pat:  I am okay.

Wayne:  Well Pluto, we’ve had people here that, they’ve had a sense for you and
they want to know, actually just want to check on you and how you are holding up.

Pat:  It is difficult at times.  I have told you before, I am on the outskirts.  I see and
sense things before some of my brothers and sisters.  I do, at times, feel alone,
although more recently we have been combining our energies, our frequencies,
our spirituality and we are fighting as a whole.  Finish

Wayne:  Interesting.  So Pluto, I have this question for you.  I want to make sure I
put it in the right way.  I don’t know if it’s a brother or a sister, but is there a relative
out there that we have anticipated calling planet X, planet 9?

Pat:  Before I answer that Wayne, there is a matter of gender that has to be addressed. 

Wayne:  Thank you.

Pat:  Your world has had the feminine held back, hidden, taken away.  The rest of us,
we are neither one or the other. We can be either, or both.  There is much to be
gained from understanding the feminine outlook and the male outlook, it is teamwork. 
The question on planet X, the what you would call the planet X system is out there.
They are not related to us, they visit periodically.  Finish

Wayne:  Are they coming for a visit--metaphorically speaking?

Pat:  There’s nothing metaphorical about it Wayne.

Wayne:  They are!

Pat:  The system is very close.  The inhabitants of one of the planets, you would
call it Nibiru, (we do not call it that) they are on your world and have been for a long time.  

Wayne:  I have a sense of--it’s a tinge of foreboding on the periphery of your comment. 
Maybe that’s just me picking that up, I don’t know.

Pat:  It is an ongoing battle, and I believe you were told last time, there is a war in
space around your planet.  It is a concern, it has been going on for far too long.
The planet X system (so called) is an extra concern.

Wayne:  Interesting.  Pluto, I’m going to have some more questions because we
need to talk more, and I just want to say thank you and we send you the warmth of
mankind’s love and appreciation.  You’re out there on the front lines and it’s not been…

Pat:  Have you thought about speaking with Nibiru?

Wayne:  Well, ya know, now that you brought that up, it probably is something that
we’ll have to do.  Is there any advice or guidance that you could give us on that?

Pat:  Be careful--do not believe everything you are told.  Finish

Wayne:  Wise words, thank you my friend.  Thank you very much.

Pat:  You’re welcome.

Wayne:  Can we speak to the Mars Frequency?

Pat:  Hello my friend.

Wayne:  Mars, how are you?

Pat:  I am very well Wayne, thank you.

Wayne:  How have you been?

Pat:  I am doing extremely well.  I am a lot happier than I have been.  I am
communicating with many humans. I am receiving love on a daily basis, I am
sending love on a daily basis.  There are problems on my surface, there are
problems underground, but they can be surmounted.

Wayne:  Interesting, thank you.  WE see the changes on you and we’re learning a
lot more about you, and may I say this--you are fascinatingly beautiful!

Pat:  Thank you Wayne, I’m regenerating.

Wayne:  I get that sense.  There is one amongst ours Mars that wants to--I’m
just going to read it in here, this person is asking, do they have a connection
with you?  They said that anytime you talk, every time we talk with you, this
person feels your energy blast and goes into a trance-like state and it then
goes away as soon as you move on.  What say you Mars?

Pat:  My energy is very strong and it has to be--the word I would use is--used
carefully.  You must set up protections before connecting with any outside energy.
I give off more energy than I have been doing.  I do not intentionally aim to
hurt anybody. My role would be to raise your frequency. You must receive the
energy and transmute it for your own good purposes.  Finish

Wayne:  Yes, I sense that very much.  Mars, we have another question.  It is
thought by some here on Earth that the inhabitants of what was once on your
surface have taken residency up inside of your moons.  Is this have any foundation,
or is this just speculation on our part?

Pat:  There are many different pockets of survivors from off my surface.  Some
made it to Earth, some made it to my moons. They are scattered abroad.

Wayne:  Do they still exist on your moons?

Pat:  Yes.

Wayne:  Very interesting, and thank you.  Another question has been asked--are
you being visited by other than humans?

Pat:  There is a permanent alien collection of beings on my surface and under
my surface.  There are bases on what you would call my backside that you cannot
see. They have been here a long time.

Wayne:  Would it be fair to say, or to assume, that they have probably done what
other species here on Earth has done--actually moved inside?

Pat:  That is correct Wayne, very astute.

Wayne:  You sent me the image, so thank you.  I just want to say this, there is a very
strong connection with you Mars, it’s a fabulous experience, it really is.

Pat:  I am close enough for this to happen Wayne.

Wayne:  That’s exactly what I was thinking, I mean, you are, just basically, as
they would say, just a little “fer piece” down the road.  Mars, is there anything
you would like to say to us?

Pat:  Hello neighbors!

Wayne:  Ya know Mars, I gotta tell you, when I pass over, let’s go and have a
card game.  I think I’d love playing poker with you.

Pat:  Bring your money Wayne, you’ll need it!

Wayne:  Thank you my friend, thank you so much Mars.  We’ll be talking to you soon.

Pat:  Anytime Wayne.

Wayne:  How about we try to reach out to Ceres Frequency?

Pat:  This is strange, hello.

Wayne:  Hello Ceres, how are you?

Pat:  Confused.

Wayne:  I can imagine.  This is a consciousness reaching out to you from planet Earth and…

Pat:  I know who you are.

Wayne:  Well, thank you.  We are learning to talk to the planets and you are one
of them and we would just like to say, we’ve discovered you as a new planet. 
Not saying that you are, but we would just like to say hello and see if there’s
anything you’d like to share with us.

Pat:  Hello to you all.  I am, how you would say in human verbiage, a distant
relative, distant being the operative word.

Wayne:  Have you always been with us, the planets?

Pat:  Planets come and go.  I have been here longer than some, not as long as others.

Wayne:  Ceres, was it a result of something pushing you into this system, or again,
I guess I’m looking for clarification, would you be what we would call more native
to this solar system?

Pat:  I am more native, but it has to do with the law of magnetic attraction.

Wayne:  Interesting, that’s interesting--magnetic attraction.  So in our understanding
of physics is that I’m hearing that was there a compelling pull that pulled you in, or
is this how your maintain yourself in these much larger bodies?

Pat:  It is a joint attraction (Pat disconnects here so he can attend to his dogs)

Wayne:  Shall we try to connect again with Ceres?  When you feel ready…

Pat:  Hello Wayne.

Wayne:  Hello Ceres.  You were saying about the magnetic pull that brought you
in here.  I’m curious as to how do you find yourself amongst these much larger
bodies, these other planets?

Pat:  It is an attraction from both sides.  My strength is not as powerful as your
main planets, but there is enough to keep me in my orbit.

Wayne:  And Ceres, I just got this thought...are you an ascended being?

Pat:  I am in the process Wayne.

Wayne:  Yes, okay, I see that.  Well Ceres, may we talk to you again? 
It is...I am looking forward to having more conversations, hopefully.

Pat:  Just ask.

Wayne:  We shall my friend, we wish you well.

Pat:  Thank you.

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2 July 2019 #16

Wayne is asking the questions and Patrick is “connecting” with, and answering for the entity being asked.  There are some spots where the ...