Thursday, March 14, 2019

29 January 2019 show #6

Patrick does the calibration, gets a strong connection and a very fast spelling of his first name, and we’re off…

Wayne: May we speak with the Sun?
Chart: Yes
Wayne: Yes, Sun, a you have a cycle of high and low energy production?
Sun: Yes
Wayne: Sun, may we ask a question on the cycle of X class novas? Do you have a cycle?
Sun: These events that are witnessed can sometimes be classed as a cycle, but this is not always the case. There are cycles, but there is also individual events depending on what region of space we are entering.
Wayne: Is the Sun under attack?
Sun: The effort to attack me is not new. It happens all the time. I can be affected by many things, mostly electrical. This affects my frequency and output. Finish

Wayne: Can we get a connection with the Earth...may we speak to you?
Chart: Yes
Wayne: Thank you Goddess, we appreciate that. The question has been asked of the Elohim, do you remember when they arrived?
Earth: These beings called the Elohim arrived many millennia ago and have performed many, many experiments upon the population of Earth. This is not very pleasing to me. I have grown very affectionate for humans. Finish
Wayne: Can we stay with Earth? Goddess, we’d like to ask you, are the Elohim behind the CERN and is this being caused to control you?
Earth: The intelligent life form behind CERN is not the Elohim. The lifeforms that are using CERN are interdimensional and came through at a very early stage in the experiment, and there was also negative entities that arrived here. CERN causes me worry. Finish

Wayne mentions here that he senses that the Earth has chakras. As he was meditating on it, it came to him that his chakras are being reversed...and the next question for Earth,
is her chakras being reversed which would translate as a magnetic pole flip?

Wayne: Earth, may we speak to you?
Chart: Yes
Wayne: Thank you Goddess. The question is, are your chakras, or magnetic fields about to flip?
Earth: That is under way and has been for some time. The magnetic poles, both north and south, are attracted to each other and at some point in the future they will meet at the equator. This will be very difficult. Finish
Wayne: May we speak to you again Earth?
Chart: Yes
Wayne: Thank you Goddess, I appreciate that. Earth, man found the secret of splitting light. My question to you: has this impacted you with all of the H bombs and atomic bombs?
Earth: These explosions have done immense damage to me and I am not very pleased. We may not be in a so-called world war, but these explosions are still happening, thousands of them, deep underground. This is affecting my physical self and my electric self, my energy, my frequency. This is a very dire situation. Finish
Wayne: Earth, may we speak to you again?
Earth: I am here for the duration….JUST ASK THE QUESTIONS!
Wayne: Earth, we’d like to know, why all the sinkholes, and are there more coming?
Earth: The sinkholes that appear on a regular basis is due to extreme stress that is placed upon the planet, not just physically but more importantly, energetic stress, stress between timelines, stress between dimensions. There is also an effect from objects that are entering this solar system and it will only increase with time. Finish

Wayne asks Patrick: What was your take sir? Patrick says he thinks she’s still holding something back. Wayne says he thinks he has the next question since we have the audience with her--

Wayne: What does she know about the new Earth?
Earth: The new Earth is underway. It is a kind of transformation--there is not two separate planets but one that is undergoing transformation, even a form of ascension. The new Earth will be bigger, stronger and more energetic. Finish
Wayne: Earth, Goddess mother, which you are, the question has been asked ma’am--it seems like for the last 5-6 months that the Moon is in front of the Sun at the 8 a.m. position. I guess the question is, is the Moon being affected by these changes as well?
Earth: The Moon that you see is artificial and is having difficulty maintaining its orbit. Every object in this solar system is being greatly affected by bodies coming into this region of space. The Moon is getting closer to the Earth at certain times and it is possible that it may collide or drift away. Finish
Wayne: What is the lunar wave?
Earth: The wave that has been spotted is a glitch in the imagery that is projecting the surface of the Moon. It can and has malfunctioned. This wave is not energetic, it is an optical event due to the distance involved. Finish
Wayne: Earth, could you tell us, I want to know about the asteroid, the comet that hit you, as we understand, about 12,000 years ago. Is that the only time you’ve been hit?
Earth: No, I have been hit many, many times, not only by giant objects like comets but small meteorites, asteroids and even energetic pulses. It is like being in a shooting gallery. I, along with my fellow planets and moons are susceptible to outside forces. Finish
Wayne: Earth, was Saturn your original sun?
Earth: Yes
Wayne: Is that going to go back to “that-a-way” ?
Earth: No
Wayne: Earth, when did you get captured by this Sun?
Earth: This happened eons ago. It happens on a regular basis. Stars die and lose their attraction. The planets then get attracted energetically to the strongest source. Finish
Wayne: Earth, is this like a mating ritual that us humans would look at?
Earth: No, that simplifies it too much. It is simple attraction of energy. Finish
Wayne: Mother Earth, have you met the Creator?
Earth: YES!
Wayne: I think we should just ask Earth, tell us about your Spirit…
Earth: Thank you, I’ve been wanting to discuss this matter for a very long time. Before any being, entity or object can exist in a physical sense it has to be spiritual in creation and purpose. The physical aspect is almost a byproduct. Finish

Patrick mentions that Earth may be a co-creator, Wayne mentions that maybe she is an actual creator….may be it is that we are all creators as we are all one with our Creator and with each other (just a thought from me ;).

watch show #6 here

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2 July 2019 #16

Wayne is asking the questions and Patrick is “connecting” with, and answering for the entity being asked.  There are some spots where the ...