Thursday, March 14, 2019

18 December 2018 show #4

Wayne and Patrick host this show with special guest Ruth from kindredSpiritTarot. Ruth’s card reading is from “Night Sun Tarot” by Fabio Listrani, the only deck she has that does include the elements of the planets and constellations on the card itself. Patrick begins with a calibration of the chart by asking it to spell his first name, and off we go……

Pat: We have a question for Mother Earth. Is there a forthcoming ice age?

Earth: Many people on Earth talk about a forthcoming ice age. Ice ages do happen in a cyclical fashion and the Earth is heading towards the next one. This does not mean that it will happen soon, just that we are heading into one, but do not fear. Finished

Ruth: 1st shuffle--Is there a planet that would like to speak with me? Is there a planet that has a message for me? Is there anyone that would like to come forward? 3 cards came out of the shuffle:
1st card is the major arcana #13, Death, with the constellation Scorpio
2nd card is the Sun--4 of Pentacles, and Sun says he would like to talk to us about the stability on Earth
3rd is major arcana #4, the Emperor which is the constellation of Aries, a constellation of structure, stability. The Emperor is the master of his emotions and knows where it’s all at, Aries is the higher mind. Ruth says: I’m feeling there’s some transformation going on; it’s to do with Earth, and the Sun is telling us it’s to do with Earth. There’s also, I feel, a chance that this could also be affecting the constellation of Aries.
2nd shuffle--2 cards came out of the shuffle:
1st: Next we have major arcana #12, the Hanged Man, who is the element of water. He’s also Neptune.
2nd: Also came up, the Queen of Cups who is double element of water, she’s double emotion, she’s extra sensitive, extra mindful, really aware of her atmosphere.
OK….The Sun would like to talk to us about the structure and stability of Earth. I feel there is a transformation taking place, although it’s the Death card, it doesn’t always mean the death, it could just be an ending and then the beginning of something. This is coming from Aries, the higher mind, this is knowledge I’m feeling. The Hanged Man is Neptune, there’s something going on with water on Neptune and it’s really affecting Neptune’s atmosphere. (Wayne stops here to add information about a question he has: Neptune, why are you out of orbit? Patrick mentions he’s had that question come through as well.) On Neptune then is….the Hanged Man is different points of view, different...a new outlook, a new perspective coming here for Neptune. Although this has come up this Queen of Cups and it’s double water energy, I’m feeling it’s….I want to still say it’s atmosphere, even though it’s water because I feel the Queen of Cups is so sensitive, she’s sensitive to her atmosphere and everything around her, so I feel Neptune is maybe out of place because of the other things occurring outside of Neptune. (Wayne adds additional information on Saturn and Uranus.) Ruth continues: It’s Mercury, Mercury would like to speak. It’s the 8 of Wands, it’s Mercury and it’s Sagittarius….I’m drawn to the Sagittarius side, I’m feeling that arrow going straight up and at an angle. There’s forward movement here, I’m feeling with Mercury. 8 is the number of abundance, manifestation; 1 is desires, heartfelt energy, passion….forward movement here with Mercury. I’m feeling forward movement action….action, there we go again….action--Mercury. Ruth says she feels it’s the end of this little session and while we are waiting for Patrick to ask a new question, she also mentions that in the major arcana Mercury is the magician, the creator.

Pat: We would like to speak with the Sun.

Chart: strong Yes

Pat: The question has been put to us, is there a planetary body in your solar system that we are not aware of?

Sun: The makeup of my solar system is largely unknown by man. There are multitudes of planetary bodies that you are not aware of. These planetary bodies also have an affect on yourselves and each other. There will come a point when all this will be discovered and that will adjust everybody’s paradigm. Finished

(Wayne wants to talk with Uranus. Ruth mentions here that in the major arcana, Uranus is the fool.)

Pat: We have a question for Uranus--how did you come to be on your side?

Uranus: This position that I find myself in is not natural for me. I am being manipulated by the region of space that this solar system is approaching and the pull that this applies to myself and other bodies in this solar system is causing a concern amongst the planets in this solar system. We are new to this region of space and we do not know what to expect. It is very worrying. Finished

(Additional chat here with mention of Pluto, the lookout. Ruth tells us that Pluto is judgement--he’s the judge....he’s the one who’s doing all your "karmistic" cycles. Wayne adds: “folks, I’ve taken LSD and it’s...this is so…(Patrick says, “this is a trip”) yeah, you know why? Because “it’s not altering by substance, it’s altering by consciousness.” Patrick adds, “by Truth.” Wayne asks Ruth if she has anything.)

Ruth: I can try.
1st shuffle: Is there a planet that would like to speak to us? Mercury, the 10 of Pentacles and constellation Virgo, (high analyze) comes up. 10 is ending a cycle, endings and beginnings. Mercury can see the cycles on planet Earth which is ending one way of being and beginning a new way of being.
2d shuffle: it’s Mercury again, it’s the 6 of Swords and the constellation of Aquarius. 6 of Swords is usually going on a journey, because it’s swords, I like to think of it more like a spiritual journey where you’ve learned lessons. Aquarius is your water carrier and Aquarius is about “I know.” Next I have the Knight of Ones, which is double fire energy. So Mercury can see what’s going on on planet Earth--there is a cycle ending and a new cycle beginning. This is a new (“I’m going on to the 6 of Swords now”) journey that we are on, and it’s a new journey of...I don’t want to say fire, but it’s of passions, goals, desires, action--action again. OK, Knights, they are about journey their selves, they are action and journey forward movement.
3rd shuffle: I have the 9 of Ones, this is the Moon and Sagittarius. So the Moon, there’s movement with the Moon, forward and up. And then I have Pluto’s card, judgement and it’s also the element of fire.
Ruth retrieves cards that fell on the floor but there was too many to read from. She shuffles and asks if there’s anything else.
4th shuffle: It’s Mercury again, the 5 of Pentacles and constellation of Taurus. There’s some conflict going on here with Mercury. Mercury itself, I feel, is in conflict, a crisis of sorts. What do we need to know about Mercury? I don’t know if there’s water on Mercury, but I feel it’s the water there water on Mercury, do we know? Wayne answers: there is water on Mercury. OK, this is the Queen of Cups, this real, sensitive energy again, double water, double emotion. I’m feeling the water tables on Mercury is really what’s calling to me. There’s some conflict there with Mercury water tables.
5th shuffle: Saturn, 8 of Cups and constellation of Pisces. So Saturn, 8 of Cups, I really feel it wants to balance out. I’m feeling Pisces is….”I believe.” So this is what Saturn believes he knows. What do you believe you know Saturn?
6th shuffle: he said he knows Mercury, a star. It’s the constellation of Cancer and 3 of Cups. 3, for me, that wonderful number of authenticity--mind, body and Spirit all going in the same direction. Cancer is about feelings, sensitivity. (Ruth mentions here that she feels the planets are not always telling the truth!)

Patrick: This question is for Mars, or any other planet. Do you have favorites among us humans?

Chart: The manner in which we view humans is (Pat says, “you are not going to like this”) similar to the way humans view insects. They are so much smaller than us that all we want to do is protect them. There are no favorites, you are all equal and if you all accepted that then the world you live on, our sister Earth, would be happier and healthier. Finished

watch show #4 here

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2 July 2019 #16

Wayne is asking the questions and Patrick is “connecting” with, and answering for the entity being asked.  There are some spots where the ...