Thursday, March 28, 2019

19 March 2019 With Special Guest Caroline Boivin

The show starts off with Wayne, Patrick and special guest Caroline from “Ask Patrick” (which is on hiatus for the time being) engaging in some excellent conversation that can be watched here Much of this episode contains chatting between these three folks, and because there are times of amazement, times of wonder and times of laughter, and there are long threads, timestamps are not as frequent as in previous transcripts. Also, there are spots of conversation that have a word (or maybe a few) missing because of “talk over” and/or laughter, which is always a good thing. Watching the video is recommended if you want to comprehend parts that may be confusing to read. Wayne (W:) is asking most of the questions and is occasionally assisted by Caroline (Caro:) who is watching the chat room for questions. Patrick (Pat:) is answering for the entity who is asked and is designated by Pat: All additional conversation from Patrick is in black type (Pat:). Pauses and sentence cut-offs are designated by using…..

6:52--Wayne invokes favor and protection on everyone watching.

8:24--Patrick gives an explanation about Shakira’s (from the Domain) name, explaining that it’s a cross between Shakira and Shakara that leans more toward sounding like Shakara.

10:15--Wayne speaks about some emails he received suggesting that Shakara might be a prison guard for this prison planet Earth. He tells us he sent replies letting those who wrote know that we test all the spirits here. The show is live every Tuesday and “if they’re lying to us, we’re going to find out.”

12:22--W: Earth Frequency (EF), how are you?
Pat: I am very well Wayne, although there have been some upsetting events.

W: Would you care to elaborate ma’am?
Pat: I have, as mentioned before, grown fond of the human population and it saddens me when I see all the killing and death, especially concerning young children. Finish

W: Yes, we are learning Mother Frequency, that’s all I can say, we are learning. Ma’am, we have a question, and I’ll read to you the question as it was presented. The question is: there’s a prophecy in all cultures on Earth, religions, called the solar flash in which those that are righteous will be transmuted into their light bodies with their full memories restored, and those that are evil, like the dark rulers of this realm, will be burned up like chaff. Is there any truth or validity to this prophecy?
Pat: This subject was touched upon when you spoke with the Sun last week. The Sun is going through changes, giving off energies and frequencies. This increase in energy and frequency and power will activate a vast majority of the the human population. This will activate their abilities, this will raise their frequency. Obviously those who live their lives more negatively will not achieve that height of frequency (and burned is probably the wrong word), they will simply be left behind. Finish
W: Thank you, thank you. EF, you spoke of beings living on the inside of you. Can you provide more understanding as to who or what they are, and are they the original inhabitants?
Pat: They are the original inhabitants of the Earth. There was an invasion (for want of a better phrase) that happened. Many alien races came, primarily the reptilians. They engineered the current humans, they made them breed, they subjugated them, they treat them as livestock. They abduct many, many people every year and they get transported to different planets and moons throughout the solar system and further afield to harvest the mineral content of these planets and moons. It is a massive undertaking. The original inhabitants went underground and they have successfully survived and are there now. They do come to the surface, not very often, but they do. They have what they would call search parties, they search for people they can help. There are alien races on the Earth who are fighting at this time with the armies of several of your governments. Finish

W: Wow, can we take a break on that one? Holy crap! (Wayne explains that he had other questions for Earth but she answered them with that response.)
Caro: EF, Lauren Wagner would like to know if they were from Alpha Draconis?
Pat: Some were, but they come from further afield. It is a--what’s the human phrase you would use?--conspiracy of many different participants. Finish

W: This is amazing!
Caro: Just one thing. A lot of people are asking about the Schumann Resonance and we’re not going to ask that question because we know that this is the planet receiving frequency from the Sun, and it’s reflected in the Schumann Resonance. The update of frequency, and the frequencies are getting bigger. And also you can feel it in your body. You can have headaches and stuff like that. So this is what it is when you see the Schumann Resonance going crazy, it’s our planet that’s growing.
Pat: It’s expanding, yeah.
Caro: Expanding.

18:35--W: It is, it is. We have some more questions, and I got a lot of questions for the Domain, so group, how do you we want to simply ask the Domain, do we want to find out if Shakara…..
Pat: Can I just ask Caroline if she’s happy to participate in this?
Caro: Sure, absolutely. It was a surprise, but I’m fine.
W: That’s what life’s about ya know.
Pat: I’m trying to be a gentleman Wayne.
W: Well, you are a gentleman and a scholar, and I happen to stand by that. So the Domain...I have questions--the questions for the Domain go on and on and on and on.
Pat: We’re morphing to “Alien Adventures” Wayne. (great laughter here)
Caro: But also she told us, the very first time, that she was here on a mission and I’m very intrigued on starting with that. What is her mission?
W: Listen, if she wants to talk, or another representative...I’ll just say this, I don’t know if it’s the Domain or what they call themselves, but this is what I am convinced of--they’re here, they’ve been here. And I don’t know the challenge that this group has, because folks, this is an adventure. We’re in places we haven’t been before. Patrick and I are at the front, but if you folks are at the back asking the questions, we’re doing the best we can up here too.
Pat: We’re not professional interviewers in any shape or form.
W: We may have a little pow-wow on the side asking “now how do we traverse this one”...I am convinced, there are greater intelligence other than ours, and if that possibility can even remotely exist, then that tells me then, we’re not alone here.
Pat: And we’re also not the top of the food chain.
W: Yes. Now someone did write to me, and the person’s a very smart person, I can tell you, they teach college. The person did say it would be interesting to ask the planets collectively how they view where they are at right now. We’re in different regions of space.
Pat: Yeah, they keep mentioning that, don’t they?
W: They do, and someone sent in a question for the Sun--wanted to know the from the Sun, is there any dwarf stars in the vicinity. So lots of good questions here.
Caro: But we know we're going towards the center of the galaxy and we’re not there yet, we’ve been told that. And we’ve never been there before, never went to the center of the galaxy, that’s why the planets, they don’t know what to expect, it’s a new place!
W: It is. Lance, by the way, that’s so cool: “There are no professionals on the front line, only amateurs.” (laughter) We do dare to go where angels fear.
Pat: Professionals have got more sense Wayne.
W: Exactly. They’re letting us go out there and ya know, if we actually prove something, then they’ll come in and say, “Oh yeah, we knew this all along. But we’re gonna prove it now. We sent the two guys out, they’re the sacrificial”….
Pat: We’re the cannon fodder Wayne!
W: We are my sir, we truly are. Um, I guess, let’s see, Patrick, how do you want to go about this? Do you want to ask Shakara, or is there another Domain representative……
Pat: She’s already here Wayne.
W: Oh, she’s already here, do you think she knows….she probably knows, you said she wanted to talk to me?
Pat: She has an interest in you Wayne.
W: I have an interest in them as well. I have a sense that there may be more to this. You ever get this kinda pulling, your going hmm, yeah…
Pat: And I can feel her energy and it is completely unique to anything else I’ve felt.
W: Is that right?
Pat: Yeah
W: Wow, far out! Well, let’s speak with her. Caroline, you excited?
Caro: Yeah...rock ‘n roll. Are you ready in the chat room?

23:23--W: So Shakara, when you’re here, let us know.
Pat: I await your question Wayne.
W: Well, may I say thank you for joining us and I just want to let you know that I, and Patrick and the others, we deeply respect your time and so we just want to say thank you ahead of time.
Pat: You’re welcome.
W: I’d like to know specifically, who is responsible for tricking and trafficking of human souls to this soul trap, do you know?
Pat: It is the Archons.
W: Are they still here?
Pat: Yes
W: I thought so. Shakara, there’s been...the question of that there was a nuclear war in this quadrant of space. Was that to eliminate life, or was that simply a defensive attack, I guess is the word I’m looking for?
Pat: That was used as an example Wayne.
W: Very...good way to make a point, isn’t it? The question that has been asked, are you involved in altering the current DNA of humans on the planet today?
Pat: We do our part Wayne.
W: OK, is there a purpose for that? The question I’m specifically asking is this, is this a measure to protect us or is this a measure to hinder us?
Pat: It is primarily research. We are very interested in your natural innate abilities. We have our own abilities, but they are not to us, we have to learn how to do these things. You, for some strange reason, just activate a part of your DNA and these abilities can be triggered at any time.
W: Shakara, the question is, we know that we’re trapped here and you said that escape was almost impossible, but possible, I believe. The question has been asked, is there a map, so to speak, in our vernacular, that others of us can find, or has that been taken away?
Pat: It is an individual journey Wayne, you are all on your own paths. All paths lead to escape, but you have to make the right turn at the right time.
W: Shakara, I saw, folks, what I just got an image of was really, really weird. So I saw a multidimensional image……
Pat: stretching out in front of you, that’s what I saw.
W: Yeah…..yeah. Well Shakara, it’s been asked or told to me, are there some of us that are of the 3000?
Pat: I do not wish to answer that one Wayne.
W: I respect that. The question has been asked Shakara is, we are seeing a lot of craft in our skies of different shapes, many triangular large crafts. Are these yours or are they of another place?
Pat: It is a mixture. Most of our craft is too well hidden for you to see. Most of the craft you see are actually piloted by humans.
W: They reversed engineered, didn’t they?
Pat: Correct.
W: Shakara, there’s been a question about the Domain. You seem to be just another side of those that you have conquered. According to our understanding, there was a thing here called the “Old Empire.” The question is, do you value life?
Pat: We value existence, life is eternal. Your physical body may die, you do not. Life if life, it goes on, it just changes.
W: Shakara, you said existence, this is very seems like it would have a higher priority than life.
Pat: Yes, because it is eternal. You exist forever.
W: WOW! I know you answered this question, that you have encountered other more powerful beings tied to Earth that we call gods, but are they, in fact gods, as they claim to be?
Pat: No
W: The question I have to you specifically Shakara, and I’m actually thinking this question to you because of the complexity of it, is it true that we have been genetically modified to reduce our abilities, not only through intelligence, but through lifespan as well?
Pat: This is correct. Your lifespan has been deliberately shortened. You should live at least 1,000 years.
W: Is there plans for the Domain to eventually manifest before humanity, or is this something that’s not how it’s done?
Pat: My communication with you is the first step. We will judge each event as they happen.
W: Shakara, I’m telling you, I have great respect for you. I have a sense that there’s others around you, I can sense them. Is there anything you or the group that’s around you want to say?
Pat: I am not in charge, I have superiors watching me and what I say. I am held accountable. It is a concern as an individual. The Domain, as a whole, have watched Earth and its inhabitants over many, many millennia and we feel, we sense, there is a culmination approaching. We do not know what will happen.
W: Thank you, I respect that and please let your superiors know that we want to learn the protocol, and if you can teach us, then I know we’ll be able to communicate much more freely.
Caro: I got a question here from Truth in Me. Question for Shakara: Are you part of my past history before I came here, and are you the one who sent me the dream about the communication deck last night?
Pat: I choose not to answer that question at this time.
Caro: Sorry Truth in Me.
W: Actually I think that’s... (chuckling) that would just wet my curiosity more.
Caro: Maybe that’s why she didn’t answer.
Pat: She’s standing in from of her bosses.
W: I got a sense yeah, there’s a different feel...I got a sense…
Pat: Different vibe….yeah, it’s more business like. It’s the, if you think of her as a military person, you’re talking to the officer, you’re not talking to the individual, where as last week we had quite a bit of the individual.
W: I have a question Shakara for your superiors, and it has been reported through various space agencies here on Earth that, and I can only put this one way, that there are rumors of another force that has entered into this region of space. Is this true?
Pat: This region of the universe is becoming very crowded Wayne. There is much interest in what may happen. It has never happened before.
W: Wow
Pat: You may say you are the best show in town.
W: Wow...they see it
Caro: Oh yeah
W: Wow...they’re, they’re….
Caro: Up front! They know your question and they give you the answer before you even ask!
W: They do it telepathically. There was an image that I saw….the see differently. They see essence of force. There are many different essences. There is something that is going on alright, can we just take a break here for a second? Ya know, when ya start getting a thing going into you….so, what I saw at that point, I don’t think it was Shakara, I don’t know, it coulda been.
Pat: No, she’s there, but she’s under scrutiny herself Wayne, I got that impression.
W: Yeah, yeah. Folks, there’s something going on. I mean, we all sense it, but they’re….what I saw was as though I was looking out into the vastness of space, there is different forces, different essences of intelligence and some swarm and some come in.
Pat: And where our view, our light spectrum is tiny, they have a different light spectrum. Some see things others don’t, and again others might see something completely different. I don’t think any one species (for want of a better word) see the whole. Maybe the Archons do, but I don’t think anybody else does.
Caro: But the thing is, it’s all frequency.
Pat: It’s all frequency.
Caro: It’s all frequency and we all have a unique frequency, and yesterday as I was working with my car insurance I could tell that was a low frequency matter and it was very difficult yesterday for me to just cope with them.
Pat: Yeah
W: Yeah
Caro: It’s all about frequency and you feel it in the heart first.
Pat: You do.
W: I’m’s everyone in the chat room? That, that just blew me away….I, I, there’s sometime some things that, boy, you feel it too and that’s why I have to, ya know…
Caro: Here, Lisa Marie is saying: “The reptilians and Archons are being kicked out. The show is on, Source is tired of their crap.” (lots of laughter)
Pat: Well said Lisa, well said.
W: Folks I mean, come on (laughs)...this is why I look forward to this show. It’s unlike anything I’ve ever experienced before. UNLIKE ANYTHING!

37:14--Well, can we speak with the Sun? I have a sense that the Sun wants to say something to us. You ready Patrick?
Pat: When you are Wayne.
W: Sun Frequency, may we speak with you sir?
Pat: Yes, hello Wayne.
W: How are you?
Pat: I am adjusting to my new situation, but I am ok.
W: I see, it seems like things are starting to get heated up with you, just figuratively speaking.
Pat: It’s becoming very interesting.
W: From our point of view particularly. Sun Frequency, the question has been asked, are there any dwarf stars close to you? Yes or no I guess is the question.
Pat: Close is a relative term, but I can sense a dwarf star, yes.
W: Thank you Sun, and that’s the question...I realized when I said close that...your dealing, your terminology and mine, mine is very finite. The question has been asked, that in the Kuiper belt, are we going to be discovering new planets?
Pat: I believe I have said before that there are planets that you do not know of as yet. The solar system is bigger than you have been taught.
Caro: Yeah, and suns are exchanging planets like an atom is exchanging electrons, we were told last show.
W: Right, excellent point of view. Sun Frequency, the question has been asked, is space a liquid?
Pat: That is a good way to explain it, but is not tangible, in a sense, that it is more liquid that it is solid.
W: Sun Frequency, I just had an image that, it’s almost like we’re in a serum, I don’t know if that’s the right word, but it’s tangible, isn’t it?
Pat: It’s more of a mixture of realities.
W: Oooo, I can see that, I can see that. Sun Frequency, there’s been the question that you are in a period of what we call weakness, but I have to ask you sir, is this really a period of rest for you?
Pat: It is simply a period of change. I am getting stronger all the time. I have never been weak.
W: Thank you, I appreciate that, that is a very good way of saying it. I appreciate the correction on that. Sun Frequency, I think we may have asked this question before but I’ll ask it again. Do you have a twin or couple of other stars, I don’t know whether to say brothers or sisters, but are you alone or are there other stars that “dance” with you?
Pat: Very well put Wayne. There are other stars outside of my influence. There is a tiny star, very tiny star, at the center of Earth Frequency.
W: Sun Frequency, I think I saw that, it’s almost like it’s a dance...a very graceful dance.
Pat: Like a waltz.
W: Yes sir, that’ exactly what I saw, that’s what I saw, I saw what was a white and blue dancing and it’s beautiful. Well thank you Sun Frequency. Is there anything you would like to talk to us about?
Pat: I am pleased that many of your community are speaking with the planets with my system. I would also like to be spoken to on a regular basis.
W: I can assure you sir, we will. We honor you. We speak favor into you and much love. If it wasn’t for you, we would not be in these bodies and we thank you for that.

42:12--Caro: Can I ask a question please?
Pat: Certainly.
Caro: Sun Frequency, is there any life form on your surface or inside you?
Pat: I don’t wish to upset you young lady, but I cannot answer that at the moment.
Caro: Ok, thank you.
W: Sun Frequency, we thank you sir.
Caro: Ya know, who’s say no word of consent.
Wayne: No word consent.
Caro: Yeah, if I don’t tell you, I consent like…
W: Ohhh, I see. Well that’s all I have for the Sun.
Pat: Hope to speak to you again Wayne.
W: Thank you, you’re beautiful. I love you, I love how the question was answered on is space a liquid. That was so interesting.
Pat: You’re going to have to remind me on that one because I’m spaced out over here.
Caro: But Wayne, when you think about it that the Sun is exchanging planets and all and this and that in some liquid type of thing, if you think of a cell of your own body and you could shrink your own self as the size of the cell in your body, what would be around you, like, let’s say, a blood cell, what would be around you...empty, or some type of liquid thing? Something that supports electricity for sure.
W: Protoplasm.
Pat & Caro: Yeah
W: That’s what I saw.
Pat: Yeah, like the ghost in “Ghostbusters”.
W: Actually, you know what I heard in my head? Amniotic fluid….that’s what I heard.
Caro: So, our planet is probably a cell in a giant, like a very, very giant.
W: And it’s really hitting me hard now, cause what I heard, amniotic-like fluid. And when you think about it, everything in space would almost have to be in something like that.
Caro: Yes
W: Wow
Caro: Is your mind fried yet? (laughter) We haven’t guessed the spices yet. (much laughter)
W: This is fabulous, fabulous….I’m trying to get out….do we have any other questions for the planets? You see, this is what really got me now, Shakara didn’t know this and there is a question buried in here that I just saw and she answered it before anyone….it says to any of the planets: “Was there a war by biological beings that used atom-splitting technology, nuclear or other light weapons?” And that’s exactly what she said they were doing. Didn’t even have to ask it again!
Caro: That’s what I told you.
W: Well, I’m still sitting here…
Pat: I can’t even say wow, I’m just dumbfounded.
W: It’s um…
Pat: ?? (could not catch words)

Caro: Some people want to talk to Pluto.
W: Let’s talk to Pluto.
Caro: What is your question Coyote? You want t talk to Pluto, but have no question. Give me a question.
W: And I’ll tell you, Pluto likes does, it told us that--I wish you guys would come out here more often. And I’m trying to see if I have one for Pluto.
Caro: But here all I get is, what’s going on with Pluto?
Pat: That’s very vague.
Caro: Yeah. Alright.

46:20--Someone wants to know if we can ask Pluto, what does...I think we’ve asked this before. Pluto's told us it sees something out there (Pat: Yes) it sensed something.
Pat: And I think you mentioned it as well.
W: Yes, yes.
Pat: And I think Neptune did.
W: Someone asked to ask Saturn, “does Saturn know of the Domain?” (lots of laughter)
I think that’s a perfectly appropriate question, I mean, you know, it’s one way to find out what someone is saying from the Domain part, but it’s another thing...we’ve got a relationship with the planets. What do you think Patrick?
Pat: You can only ask Wayne.

47:10--Alright, let’s ask Saturn. Saturn Frequency, are you available?
Pat: Always
W: Thank you. How are you?
Pat: I am very happy Wayne.
W: Excellent, excellent. Saturn, the question has been asked, we’ve been talking to what appears to be representatives of a group called the Domain, are you aware of such a group?
Pat: I know of them.
W: You don’t sound real impressed.
Pat: “Small fry” Wayne.
W: Small fry, Saturn, that indicates that there is something much bigger.
Pat: Correct.
W: Are you allowed to elaborate or you….I would like to know more about this.
Pat: The Elohim of which we have talked before are more powerful and energetic than any other visitor.
W: Saturn, I had that in my head before you even answered it, the Elohim. Saturn, do you have a sense that they’re preparing for something?
Pat: They recognize that many of your population are coming to understand their real intentions. They have pretended to be gods, they have pretended to be benevolent. It is becoming clear that this is false. They are trying to limit their losses.
W: Saturn, can I ask you a virile(?) question, cause I have a sense that you observe this. We have an event in our history here on Earth of a great deluge. I contend, and it’s just me Saturn, that that was not a deluge like we have been told, but that was a species elimination event. Am I right or am I wrong?
Pat: It was a reset.
W: Are we talking in a physical sense, or are we talking in a more what we would call spiritual sense?
Pat: Both
W: Both. And during this event were you under siege?
Pat: That happened. That was the time that I lost overall control, although I am determined to regain it.
W: Saturn, I get the word, you were assaulted.
Pat: I was tricked.
W: Wow, they know how to talk to you, don’t they?
Pat: Yes.
W: You were tricked.
Pat: They appeared through what you would call a portal, they appeared as gods, pronounced themselves gods and I was foolish to believe them.
W: They moved you, didn’t they?
Pat: I believe you have a saying “they knew what buttons to push.”
W: And if I’m getting this right, did they physically move you? From Earth, is that I just hearing this or is this foundation?
Pat: They needed me in this location so that I could be used to control the human population. This is not my natural position in orbit around the Sun.
W: I got that, they positioned you for a frequency.
Pat: For strategic purposes.
W: Oh shit, yeah. I see that sir, I see that. That makes sense.
Caro: And the Elohim are from another dimension.
W: Yeah
Pat: Correct
W: Wow!
Pat: They also use time travel.
W: There’s a question Saturn are the Elohim in control of the hexagon north on your north pole?
Pat: I choose not to answer that.
W: OK, I can respect that. Well Saturn, I want to say thank you. You shared something that totally makes sense now, it answers a question. I hope that as we get to know each other and trust is gained that we will feel more comfortable to talk more, but I want to say thank you so much for your time Saturn, thank you.
Pat: We are coming to the realization that we can indeed trust you.
W: Well, our hearts are pure.
Caro: Before we let you go Saturn, some people in the chat room would like to know if you like Jupiter or not.
Pat: Jupiter is my brother, of course I love him.
Caro: Thank you.
W: I think that all brothers are sometimes a real pain in the rear end.
Caro: Yeah, but family’s family, eh?
W: Well thank you Saturn, thank you so much and we just invoke great favor upon you, and peace.
Pat: I am more peaceful that I have been in a very long while Wayne. Thank you for your assistance.
W: One day we shall meet my friend, we shall meet.
Pat: I look forward to it.

W: Thank you….wow wow wow wow wow wow wow…
Pat: Am I imaging the different personalities of all these planets, they…..
W: They’re becoming more crystalline in my mind.
Pat: That’s crazy Wayne.
W: You know what I see with Saturn? He reminds me that a personality reminds me of...a noble knight.
Pat: Good metaphor.
W: Strong integrity, integrity means a lot to this planet (Caro: Yep). Wow, we do not need to be the small fries in order to move forward (laughter). Ah, Blazin River, I like that. You know, we’re going to find out more. Listen, Saturn was not impressed. HAH! Small fries! I mean, when you think about it….
Pat: I nearly didn’t say it but I had to say it cause she’s still here (laughter) and I’m calling her small fry (lots of laughter)
W: Yeah, I’m pretty sure they’re up there going “un huh”...but you think about this, I mean…
Pat: “You talkin to me?”
W: “You talkin to me? You want some of me?” I mean, they move a planet, this is what I saw, to literally move the energy of a planet to a frequency point of ingress/egress, it’s like enhancing a frequency, amping it up tens of billions of times. Your using the essence of the planet!!
Pat: And the position has to be the right….
W: Yeah!
Pat: Yeah. Can you imagine the technology required to do such a thing?
Caro: But they’re from another dimension! And Shakara and the Domain is from our dimension.
W: Good point Caroline, very good point. I had not taken….that is a REALLY good point!
Pat: That is a very good point! Hence, small fry Wayne. (much laughter)
W: And I can dig that, but you think about this. The challenge for humanity is how do you deal with an inter dimensional co-existing energy that can manifest, we assume, into physical form. But, yeah…
Pat: I think that is why a lot of people are having their abilities activated. That is why the Earth is expanding and raising her frequency. It’s in order to give us the tools we need.
Caro: Yeah, and we were told that our greatest weapon in this universe is love.

W: Yeah, I absolutely...I’ll tell you what I’m experiencing each time we continue to do this, the messages are becoming...they’re not words, they’re images, and boy, when they really get….
Pat: You get images, I get feelings.
W: Yeah, yeah and I think that’s why it works so well here, because the two….
Pat: They coalesce together.
W: Yes, they do (laughter and “talk-over”). Listen, we’re going to do the Lilith show and by the way, I want to say something for Warrior Queen, Lois. She needs to get to 1000 subscribers, go over there, subscribe to her and to the rest of the good (?) this is what makes our community stronger, and Lois, you are just absolutely loved by all of us, you are the, what I tell people all the time, if there’s a matriarchal figure, it would be Warrior don’t mess with mama (laughter). That’s all I got to say about that...Ah, connect to talk to Ariel from the Ariel still around? Do we want to try to connect with her?
Pat: Did she die or is she still alive? I don’t know.
W: I don’t know, um…
Caro: She’s not dead.
W: She’s not dead?
Caro: No
W: Ok, um, good question. Well, I think that what we’ll do, why don’t we try to connect with Ariel next week. Caroline, would you like to join us on Tuesday for this?
Caro: Oh sure, absolutely.
W: Alright, what do you think Patrick?
Pat: I think that’s great--take the pressure off us Wayne.
W: Yeah, I tell you, I like it, the fact Caroline that you can look at the chat room and bring it in.
Caro: I can do my best.
W: You do excellent my dear, you do excellent. What a show what a show, I mean (chuckle) I’m sitting here actually stunned, I have to tell you.
Pat: I forget what the question was but the one when Earth Frequency answered and she kept talking for quite a while, there’s a lot of information in there.
W: I hope you folks read the transcripts, we have Lee and Caroline that spend hours on this. Lee, I’m going to send you the tea, you need to send me your address again. And Caroline, if you like tea, I’ll send you some too! And um…
Pat: By the way Wayne, I don’t know if you’ve seen Lee but…(shows pic) that’s Lee (Caro:--hey Lee!)
W: Hi Lee, there you go….now is that just beauty or what. Yep, ya know, there’s only one other beautiful woman in my life, that’s my wife and (chuckle) I don’t look beyond that, but Lee, so good to see you, so good to see the image and thank you my dear.
Pat: And she’s sitting in her kitchen Wayne, that’s where she does all the transcripts, sitting in her kitchen.
Caro: She writes them by hand and after, she puts it on the computer, but she’s gotta write it down all by hand.
W: What a…..gonna have to do something very sweet for you sweetheart, that is just a labor of love and so I think sending some of the tea, which I guess this tea has now gone around the world (laughter).
Caro: What’s with that tea anyway? There’s 1000 kinds of tea in the store--can’t find the one you’re talking about!
Pat: I think he’s calling it tea Caroline, but it might be something else. (Much laughing)
W: No, it’s authentic (laughs) well ya know, listen, ya know, life is (laughing) so joyful as I say.
Caro: Life is full of surprises.
W: It is. Well, I gotta tell you, this has just been fabulous this is like going to the amusement park. It is, for my mind, I mean, I really believe in this, I really do, this is something that, you know, all my life I believed in an intangible, unseen being and that wasn’t a stretch for me and then when I leave that and understand that it’s much bigger (Caro: understand) yeah, hahaha, comprehend…(laughing)
Pat: Ok Wayne, told you we have to behave ourselves didn’t I Wayne, I told you.
W: Hey listen, that’s why we balance here, ya know. In order to learn you have to learn to be corrected and take it in grace.
Pat: The blinkers (blinders for us Americans) are coming off.
W: Yes, yes exactly, exactly and this is a place of wonderment, um, when it finally connected with me that all sacred scripture is done by tells me everything right there. I think we were designed to communicate like this Patrick.
Pat: It’s a natural ability Wayne.
W: I really do believe it.
Caro: If you watch any historian and archeologist, they all talk about that like, just about everything...I’m into it, especially that guy I’m watching on youtube, he’s on Sri Lanka and India and all the sites he goes to and all his observation is just mind-blowing and it does connect with what we do. So I can relate to him and just discovery, it’s just...amazing.
W: It’s wonderful. And by the way, I just want to give a shout out to Sherry Spears, Sherry, when I did my cleansing ceremony today (Wayne shows us his sage) Sherry made this for me and ya know, I do a sage cleansing ceremony before we do our shows and it’s working. I don’t know about you, but Patrick, it just was exciting! More personalities, it’s like going to a concert ya know...and you're trying to get to your seat…”well how ya doin, how ya doin, good to see ya.” Ya know?
Pat: They’re going to lock me up with multi-personality disorder Wayne (laughs).
W: Well when they do, let them know about us, we’ll come join you (laughter).
Caro: Don’t forget the tea!
W: Don’t forget the tea!
Pat: Don’t forget the tea!
W: You know, we’d probably end up converting the whole staff, they’s probably join our side going “these people, they know what they’re talking about!” (much laughter)
W: Thank you two. Miss’re ladies first. Would you like to say something to the group as we exit this fabulous hour?
Caro: Yeah, remember, the narrow gate is for you to choose between fear and love at any moment of your life.
W: Well said madam.
Pat: Well said, here here.
W: Cheers on that one, and Mr. Patrick?
Pat: Well, we always say at this time, “that was better than last week, well that WAS better than last week Wayne!
W: When I got the title, “Planets Talking” it really came to me that, they want to talk. We’ve just gotta learn how to communicate with them and Patrick, my friend, and with people like Caroline and everyone else that supports us, we’re learning to talk to them, so join us.
Caro: We should do a round-up, just let them speak.
W: That is a good idea! Patrick, maybe at the end of each show we’ll give them an opportunity to whoever would like to speak, that’s an excellent idea Caroline!
Pat: I think we should thank them before we go Wayne.
W: Alright, let’s do that, um, Patrick, when you’re ready, maybe one of them would like to speak to us, but I will certainly invoke a thanksgiving to all of them tell them, thank them.
Pat: Ok, I’ll see if anybody wants to.
W: I want to say this to all the planets, suns and to those spirits, the Dragons, the Domain, those who wish to communicate to us, we thank you for your time and we invite you to join us and as we learn together.
Pat: This is Sun Frequency, my family are indeed grateful for the communication we are having. Many of my children are being sent love and I can see the difference in that. You have my love and my gratitude, thank you.
W: We’re honored sir, thank you.
Caro: Thank you.
Pat: Wow
W: Wow
Caro: So this is white buffalo sage (Caroline is waving some smoking sage for us to see)
W: See? Ladies and gentlemen, continue to join us. We thank you for your support. Y’all are the best, and Patrick, we just thank you as that point of contact, and Caroline, I look forward to having you on.
Caro: I’ll be there….so tomorrow?
W: Yes
Caro: Tomorrow we have a chat and then next Tuesday, and then my chilling...when?
W: Let’s do, we’re going to do the chilling and I think that we’re getting compatible.
Caro: The chilling tomorrow?
W: No, I’ll have you on on the noonday show. Would you like to come on as a guest on the noonday show?
Caro: Tomorrow?
W: Yeah
Caro: Like today?
Pat: Same time as today Caroline.
Caro: Yeah, I can do that but my chilling is something else right? I sent you an invitation and I drive, right?
Pat: I’ll heckle you from the chat room.
Caro: Listen Wayne, I got my license from somebody that has no license, ok? (lots of laughter)
W: Well, we’ll get the chilling for Caroline’s channel worked out, we’ll announce that and we’ll just have a party over on her side,
Pat: Thank you everybody for joining us, we couldn’t do it without your questions.
W: Namaste
Caro: Thank you everybody.
W: Alright folks, y’all be good. Be good everyone, love yourselves--in the end, that’s the only one that really counts. Bye everybody.

12 March 2019

“Talking With the Planets”
(and other entities!)
The 12th show on the 12th day of March

This show was quite a bit different than previous shows, not only in content, but also in how it “flowed” along, and only 20% of the questions that were sent in were answered. Timestamps are used in this transcript as in previous ones, but because Wayne and Patrick had so much additional conversation, they are not posted in the same manner as previous editions that have a timestamp at every question. The information from this show is extremely illuminating and sometimes startling, to say the least, which inspired Wayne and Patrick to have a bit more excess conversation than some of the other shows had. This transcript was a challenge because the information shared with us caused Wayne and Patrick such amazement that at times they “talked over” each other, or paused, or cut each other off to make a statement, or they stammered, making it difficult in some places to catch every word. Pauses and cut offs look like this in the text: yeah...this is…yeah... When you come to text with those periods you know the sentence has been cut off or there is a pause. Wayne is asking the questions and Patrick is answering for whatever entity was asked, and much of this transcript contains conversation between Wayne and Patrick.

4:45--Wayne does a protection for himself and all those listening.
8:15--Pat does his protection ritual.
11:40--Pat explains that he is not using a chart and pendulum now. The answers he receives flow at him as a feeling, he is NOT channeling any entity.
17:15--A discussion of how to address Earth correctly that was inspired by many listeners from India who address her as Mother Earth. (She herself told us on the 12 Feb 2019 show #8 at 22:10 that the names given to her are numerous but all are false, she has no name, she has a frequency signature that is unique. It is a frequency signature that was too personal and way too far above our intelligence level to share with us.)

18:00--Wayne: We’ve had multiple requests to see if we can connect with the domain.

18:17--Wayne: Earth Frequency (EF), how are you doing?
EF: I’m doing very well Wayne, thank you.
Wayne: We’ve had many requests, and I think this is a sign of respect of what people are learning, may we have the permission to call you Mother Earth?
EF: I personally do not need to be reminded that I am your mother. If it makes you feel happy, you can do so. Finish
Wayne: Thank you, thank you. Well, I see you as a magnificent being. So, Earth, the question has come ma’am, are you preparing for a large seismic event in North America? Thank you.
EF: Preparing is the wrong word. There will be seismic events around the whole planet, not just the American continent. Finish

19:50--Wayne: How do you feel Patrick about reaching out to the domain? Do you think maybe we could…
Pat: Are they still there Wayne?
Wayne: I don’t know. It seems like it was very recent, no matter what the Roswell incident was. These creatures, these beings, have been captured, we know that. Their crafts have been captured.
Pat: We can only ask.
Wayne: We can only ask, so are you ready my friend? We already jumped off the cliff!
Pat: Tell everybody to hit record Wayne.
Wayne: Yes, so this is going to be a first. I do not know of any place, ladies and gentlemen, the folks that are listening, where, um, I don’t think anyone’s tried to make contact with the domain.
Pat: Can I just say, I mentioned it to Wayne earlier in an email, If I get a UFO hovering over my house, it’s his fault!
Wayne: As I said, I’ve got great tea, come on down, land the craft, we’ll have a great time. We’ve got great music. That’s what I want to ask, do the planets like music?
Pat: They do, yes, they do.

21:12--Wayne: Alright Patrick, I feel completely safe and confident on this so this question is going to be: We are asking to speak to a representative of the Domain Expeditionary Force. Is there such a presence out there?
Pat: Yes (answering for The Domain (TD).)
Wayne: How should we properly address you?
TD: You may address us simply as The Domain (TD)
Wayne: (I’m feeling the energy!) Thank you. It is thought by many Earthlings, humans, that you are nothing more than a figment of disinformation of our government or fiction writers. It’s a pleasure to know that you do exist, thank you.
TD: Your welcome.
Wayne: We have a story of one of your representatives that said that there was a lost expedition here on this planet and that you, your, um, I don’t know how to say it, your government, your representative, that we are a prison planet. Can you confirm that as either true or false?
TD: Earth has always been a prison planet. (#5 @43:55 Earth gave same answer**)
Wayne: Always?
TD: Always.
Wayne: Thank you. Why do I get the sense that you’re...I have a sense of more of a feminine presence, is that…
TD: I, the individual speaking, is of the feminine gender.
Wayne: I sense that. I have a lot of questions. So, the first is Earth…
TD: We will accept any question. We also acknowledge that we do not have to answer all questions.
Wayne: You’ve just confirmed something one could have known that. Thank you, thank you. (Man, I feel like I’ve got ants crawling all over me!)
Pat: You ok Wayne?
Wayne: Yeah, um, this’s kind of…
Pat: There were very forceful.
Wayne: Yeah, um, very um, I got the sense I was dealing with someone very, very old....very, very old. Alright, so let’s, alright folks...everyone else is feeling it too.
Pat: Yeah, it’s strong.
Wayne: It is very strong, um, you know...Wow, ok, let’s just talk amongst ourselves here, this is an opportunity.
Pat: Can you just say to the lady concerned that we’ll be back to her shortly, we don’t want to keep her hanging.
Wayne: Yes
Pat: We’ll have a little chat, if you understand our position.
Wayne: May we take a few minutes please ma’am? That’s my nomenclature.
TD: We shall give you some leeway at this time.
Wayne: Thank you.
Pat: The energy Wayne, that’s crazy man!
Wayne: Let me tell you what I’m getting a sense, and folks, you are all witnessing this live so....there’s more than one here.
Pat: Yeah, there’s more than one definitely. There might be one group, one company, one battalion, whatever they call themselves.
Wayne: I’m getting it’s’s almost like they’re all standing around.
Pat: We turned the light on Wayne.
Wayne: Yeah, yeah. Alright. You know, when your being hit with this kind of’s...I can see their faces. I mean, this is weird.
Pat: I can feel their emotions.
Wayne: Yeah, that’s what I’m being....that’s why I can’t get the words out there, too many talking at the same time. That’s what I hearing, how are you feeling Patrick? You’ve got your hand on the other side of the positive charge here.
Pat: I feel fine, as long as they leave afterwards I am happy. Ruth, you know, kindred Tarot Ruth who we know, I had her dog that died 23 years ago with me for 3 days over the weekend until I sent Ruth an email saying how much the dog loved her.
Wayne: Excellent, excellent. Well, I think we need to get some questions here, they know that we’re a prison planet. I’d like to know how we got here.

27:16--Wayne: May we address the representative of the Expeditionary Force?
TD: Yes, I am still here.
Wayne: Thank you, thank you for your patience. You have stated that Earth has always been a prison planet, that has been confirmed by other perspectives, may I ask, how did we get here, how did we get into this prison?
TD: If you are talking about the physical human that was created, if you are talking about the essence inside the human that is eternal and was tricked into this prison…
Wayne: We are not all of the same place then?
TD: No, you are from different areas of the universe. You are from far outside your own galaxy.
Wayne: In this prison, are there different degrees of authorities?
TD: There is a conflict between races of beings that hope to seize control of this prison planet. There is much interest in this small, tiny dot.
Wayne: Yes, we feel that. Is there a name that I could address you with personally?
TD: The closest translation would be Shakira (Shekira?)
Wayne: Honored to meet your presence Shakira, thank you. Are you trapped here with us?
Shakira: Not trapped, on a mission.
Wayne: Is it possible, we have been told that your, and I’ll just use “your domain”, is a species that is heading to the center of our galaxy. Is this true?
Shakira: This is a goal, we are not there yet.
Wayne: Do you have members here on this planet now?
Shakira: Some of our kind are walking on your planet, they look like you but they are not you.
Wayne: I’ve been told that. I’ve just been asked, do you have a presence in the asteroid belt?
Shakira: We have a presence throughout your solar system.
Wayne: The next question is, is escape possible?
Shakira: Possible but highly unlikely.
Wayne: Shakira, I have to tell you, that’s very depressing, but I think you know that already. That’s all I have for the moment, I thank you Shakira, I thank you. You’re more than welcome to communicate with myself at anytime and I’ll let my friend Patrick speak for himself, but it has been a delight and an honor. May we speak again?
Shakira: Just call me by name, I will respond.
Wayne: Thank you.
Pat: Wow, that is completely different to any other connection I’ve had. Her feminine power, it’s almost like talking to a policeman, do you know what I mean?
Wayne: That was the impression I got, authority.
Pat: Yeah, there was a definite authority. We weren’t only talking to the individual, we were talking to the whatever rank she is!
Wayne: Whatever it was, when we got back in touch, the quietness ceased in my head, so I knew something was...who knows, maybe we’re the first ones to reach out and talk to them. You know, it’s a question I don’t understand about the UFO community is that if these being are of such high intelligence sentient, they would have telepathic abilities and skills that I don’t understand we’re not engaging...we don’t need governments. Unless there are covenants or contracts that would prevent this. My friend, you and I, we’re going to have to get together on a separate one and just begin to really talk on this one because, I don’t know, I think, this one opens up a whole…
Pat: New show, Alien Adventures.
Wayne: You know, that is a good idea, there’s not one out there doing any type of psychically, telepathically engaging of ET’s. I think we ought to make it part of this show.
(at this point there was too much “chit-chat talk-over” with Wayne and Pat to transcribe it)

Wayne: Well I kind of look at it like this my friend, who better to know about the universe than the ones that are already traveling in it! Lee, I know when you do the transcript on this one, this one is going to be heavily requested, I can see it already.
Pat: I’ve still got that going through, I can still feel her presence in here. There’s a residue.
Wayne: There is, there is a...I got this sense…
Pat: Wayne, Wayne, I’m blown away!
Wayne: Well, you saw it with me, when we first connected it was a cacophony of voices, that’s all I could hear. It was like someone was sitting at a monitor and said “holy crap, we got one!” (much laugher came about here) and I mean, everyone drops what they’re doing, comes over and says “what do they want, what do they want?” you know, we’re all going…
Pat: “Ask them this, ask them this”…
Wayne: And I got the sense that whoever, whatever it is, I just want to say, it’s feminine but it’s authoritarian.
Pat: Very authoritarian, yeah, better not upset this one like you did the Sun, you’ll be in trouble.
Wayne: No, no, cause I think they can come visit my ass. (much laughter and then some fun chat in a quite bad NY accent, shown in the quotes) “hey Mr. Steiger, we got the, we got the message.”
Pat: “what ya tryin to say?”
Wayne: “yeah, we’re going to show you a little respect.”
Pat: “you talkin to me?”
Wayne: “you talkin to me?” Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy. OK, wow. That head is literally buzzing on that.
Pat: Wow

35:50--Well, here’s one question that’s, you know...what’s her name? It was Shekeil?
Pat: Shakira was the nearest translation, I don’t think that was her actual name, but for her to translate into English, that was the nearest translation.
Wayne: And what was that again?
Pat: Shakira is how I heard it, clear as a bell.
Wayne: Well, here’s a question that, you know, sometimes I’m going, well gee, now that we got The Domain and folk, we’ll figure this out like everything else, we’ll figure this out.

36:40--Wayne: I do have a question for Saturn specifically. So, Saturn Frequency (SF), may we speak with you?
SF: Of course Wayne.
Wayne: Good to hear from you, how are you?
SF: Better than I have been, thank you.
Wayne: Good. We send you healing energy dear friend.
SF: I receive energy from many people on your planet.
Wayne: Well, you’re much loved, I’ll tell you that. Saturn, the question has been put, was there a war by biological beings that used atom-splitting technology, or what we would call nuclear weapons, in the solar system?
SF: That is correct, this is what happened to my brother Mars.
Wayne: Did they attack you as well Saturn?
SF: They tried, I resisted.
Wayne: I get the sense, as I’m speaking with you, I see that you’re saying there’s a difference between what we think of nuclear weapons and I get the impression, light weapons. Is this correct?
SF: Similar technology but far superior, far more powerful.
Wayne: Are these the type of weapons that hurt planets?
SF: They breach dimensions.
Wayne: They breach dimensions...oooh. So then this opens a potential harm for you then, doesn’t it?
SF: Correct
Wayne: Saturn, am I getting this right, that this is where man would call “beings of a different dimension” would enter as well?
SF: Correct
Wayne: And these are the ones that are…
SF: A concern amongst my family.
Wayne: Yeah, they’re there on you right now, aren’t they?
SF: Correct
Wayne: Well Saturn, I don’t know the answer to this, but I do believe that the answer...there is an answer. Is there anything that we can do? I know we’ve asked you this before, the knowledge is coming forth. Are these beings above our ability to comprehend at this point?
SF: They are from a different dimension. They, if they were compared to you, you would consider them gods. But they are not gods, they are there for their own purposes. They happened upon your reality by accident and are fascinated by your 3D world and are using my planet, my rings, to send signals that interfere with your natural progression.
Wayne: Sat, you have a special frequency, don’t you?
SF: Correct
Wayne: You sent me that...I just saw that. That’s what they’re harvesting.
SF: They are taking my energy.
Wayne: Well thank you Saturn. We love you and we will continue to help you in any way that we can.
SF: Thank you, it is appreciated.
Wayne: You’re beautiful, thank you.

Pat: We get something new every time Wayne.
Wayne: This on is loaded.
Pat: I sense some concern and definately, I don’t think desperation is the right word, but there’s definite concern. She’s got a battle on her hands.
Wayne: Yeah...yeah.
Pat: Or he has, I’m not sure what gender he or she is.
Wayne: I have, you know, it’s kind of almost homogeneous sometimes, I get the sense of almost a fem…
Pat: I think they can be both to be honest with you.
Wayne: Yeah, I don’t think they’re….it’s like the 7th principle of Hermetics you know. Gender is not about sex, it’s about a mind power.
Pat: It’s about energy frequency.
Wayne: Thank you. Wasn’t it interesting what he said that they’re harvesting his power. What I got, they entered the frequencies.
Pat: Yeah, it’s all to do with the frequencies, I’m coming to understand that. It’s all about the frequencies.
Wayne: Yeah, yeah.
Pat: That’s what they want from us, our frequency.
Wayne: Yes
Pat: I don’t know if that’s an energy source, or a food source or what.
Wayne: I’ve got a sense that it’s….it was like they’re hijacking the power.
Pat: Yeah
Wayne: And to see that, you know why that we’re here is that we all understand that consciousness is not just in these mud suits.
Pat: Our consciousness is not just in here (Pat is pointing to his chest).
Wayne: Exactly and….I’m still feeling her presence.
Pat: I know, she hasn’t gone, or her influence, her energy hasn’t gone, it’s so powerful.
Wayne: I expect, if you’re listening, if you have your ship fly over I’ll wave at you. You know, I kinda figure it’s like this, when you get at that precipice, you know, the inner dimension between what we call life and spirit on the other side, it’s like….ok
Pat: I’m here!
Wayne: I’m here!
(It is highly recommended that you watch the video to understand what these conversations between Wayne and Patrick are all about)

43:54--Wayne: Hello Jupiter (JF), how are you?
JF: Very well thank you Wayne.
Wayne: Just want to say I always get a special warmth talking with you, it’s a privilege.
JF: My energy is very strong Wayne.
Wayne: Yes. Speaking of your energy Jupiter we have been noticing some things about you. What’s up with your moon, Titan?
JF: There are many events happening around my orbit. Titan is going through some changes energetically and frequency-wise. There are also entities that are on the surface who are not welcome.
Wayne: Jupiter, Titan has life on it, doesn’t it?
JF: Yes
Wayne: That’s what I thought. We haven’t discovered it yet, but I got a sense that it….
JF: Serious life through the solar system Wayne.
Wayne: It’s very difficult for us sir, to sometimes recognize that. We’re so limited in our views you know.
JF: You are all concerned with yourselves too much.
Wayne: This is true, I would agree with you. That’s why we’re learning from you sir, and from your brothers and sisters and I just want to say thank you for, well, gracing us with your presence, it’s….just thank you.
JF: It is my honor.
Wayne: So, one of the things JF is that we have been asked, you seem to have a unique role within the solar system that apparently we’re not aware of. Could you expand on that a little bit?
JF: My main role is to protect my sister, Earth Frequency. There are many celestial objects that comes heading towards Earth. I attract them to myself. I can absorb their energy and protect her.
Wayne: I’m getting the relationship Jupiter, I’m seeing this.
JF: I am a big brother.
Wayne: Yes sir, you certainly are. Is this one of the reasons why we’re continually seeing you collect more and more moons? (is the only thing we call them)
JF: Yes, to keep them away from my sister.
Wayne: I just...Jupiter, did I just see, this is part of your concern, these objects?
JF: Yes, they are becoming very, how would you say it, there is a multitude of objects joining all the time.
Wayne: I think this, Jupiter, is what Pluto was trying to tell us, and Uranus. They, is it not just the dark void, but I’m getting the sense, I get this image Jupiter, that it’s…
JF: It’s like a debris field.
Wayne: Thank you, that is what...I’m seeing an avalanche, I’m seeing just….
JF: a, a rockfall if you like.
Wayne: Thank you, thank you. Yeah...this is...well, I just want to say thank you Jupiter, we learn from you all the time. Is there something you would like to share with us today?
JF: The main advice I could give anyone in your position would be, enjoy the moment, love everyone, love life.
Wayne: We will take that wise advice, thank you Jupiter.
JF: You are welcome.

Wayne: wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow...
Pat: Such a wise soul. Did you feel the energy there Wayne?
Wayne: You know what I got? I’ve known this presence before.
Pat: Something familiar about it.
Wayne: Yeah, yeah, something very comfortably familiar.
Pat: Yeah, it’s like the big brother watching over the little brother going to school, ya know. He’s mine, leave him alone!
Wayne: You know what I am learning all more and more Patrick is to be able to transmute the perception of physical matter and understanding, that as I possess physical matter, there would be no difference in a planet possessing a spirit.
Pat: Exactly, that’s what we’ve come to understand, isn’t it.
Wayne: Exactly
Pat: I mean, when we first started, what, 12 shows ago, we didn’t know what to expect, did we?
Wayne: No, no. And 12 shows, I mean, that’s over 3 months.
Pat: 12 hours, ½ a day
Wayne: Yeah, I think about it and what we have learned.
Pat: We have learned an awful lot. We have many profound comments, haven’t we?
Wayne: More than a few...I gotta tell you, I’ve learned my lesson as how to address them! I don’t screw with them! (timestamp 50:25 on 11 Dec 2018 show #3)
Pat: You have to show them respect, that’s the main thing.
Wayne: That’s it.
Pat: We must be respectful.
Wayne: And folks, they know our name!
Pat: And they don’t like repeat questions!
Wayne: no...I’m not going to ask anyone…
Pat: That’s what the transcripts are for. If you have a question, before you ask it, look at the transcripts. If it’s been asked before, I wouldn’t venture to try again.

50:40--Wayne: Well here’s a question from someone that I’d have to say has given this a lot of thought, apparently has some physics on this. I’m trying to determine which planet…
Pat: Who’s going to answer it?
Wayne: Yeah, the question is: like a photoelectric effect applies exchange electrons and atoms, is there a similar law which governs the exchange of planets? (Wow)
Pat: Who are we asking that?
Wayne: we just want to put it out there and see who to ask?
Pat: I would ask the Sun because she’s not a planet, she’s (??)
Wayne: Yeah, so let’s talk with the Sun. When you feel ready sir.
Pat: When you’re ready Wayne.
Wayne: Hello Sun Frequency, how are you?
Sun: I am very well, thank you Wayne. My change is ongoing.
Wayne: We’re seeing that, monitoring your surface, looks like you’re waking up a little bit.
Sun: It is becoming very interesting Wayne.
Wayne: Oh, when you say interesting, that’s one...I would welcome you in my house to have tea on that one. Sun Frequency, here is a question that you would be best to answer. The question is this: like the photoelectric effect that applies to exchange electrons and atoms, is there a similar law which governs the exchange of planets? Thank you.
Sun: It affects, not necessarily governs, it affects the physicality of the planets and may result in some leaving, some joining. But the spiritual essence, the consciousness within is not affected by this.
Wayne: Sun, I just saw, I don’t know if you put the image in my head but, you see planets come and go, don’t you?
Sun: All the time.
Wayne: All the time?
Sun: Yep
Wayne: There has been speculated that there are many planets that you have control, that are in the oort cloud. Is this true?
Sun: That is true. My power extends further than you know.
Wayne: You exchange planets with other suns, don’t you?
Sun: Yes
Wayne: How marvelous is that! I’m in awe, that’s all I have to say. I’m in awe.
Sun: Like children exchanging toys Wayne.
Wayne: It’s how your process works.
Sun: Correct
Wayne: Sun, it has been suggested that man’s ability to measure your age is so far off, it has been said that you could be over 100 trillion years old, it that true?
Sun: And the rest Wayne. Man’s calculations are not anywhere close to reality.
Wayne: Sun, I have another question that’s on my mind. Do we live in a holographic simulation of sorts?
Sun: Yes, but the consciousness part of you is genuine and comes from outside this holographic reality.
Wayne: Yeah I...well thank you Sun, thank you so much. You just blew my away. Thank you, thank you.
Sun: Your welcome, always good to talk with you.
Wayne: You’re wonderful, thank you. WOW, not that was substantive!

Pat: Wow, that’s all I can say. Wow.
Wayne: Well, I thought the question on the age was so appropriate because we know that man cannot even date his own calendar.
Pat: No
Wayne: And, you know, we try to put this thing into our science. But, it was the exchange that got me. I got a sense that these beings, they do in fact exchange planets.
Pat: I, it wasn't said, but I got the impression that sometimes the suns change over.
Wayne: YES!
Pat: You know, a house swap!
Wayne: I think this is like trading spouses.
56:23--(much laughter here and some comments that are too muffled to understand)
Pat: Wow
Wayne: Wow wow wow wow wow wow wow.
56:30--Pat: We really don’t know anything Wayne, we really don’t.
Wayne: Every time we…(you have to watch the video to see the gestures at 56:40)
Pat: We get up the ladder and then the ladder gets longer.
Wayne: Ya know, your looking down and your saying--well, come on…
Pat: Like climbing the beanstalk, we haven’t got to the top yet.
Wayne: No. I’ve learned more on this one, I mean, each podcast is unique in itself, but this one…she’s still here by the way.
Pat: Oh, I know she is, (“talk over”) she’s very interested in us Wayne.
Wayne: She’s not breaking the connection, and I’m not either, listen, if there’s a way to figure out…
Pat: Wow, put it this way Wayne, I hope she spends the night with and and not with me!
Wayne: Well, I’ll let you know what my wife and the dog says. (much laugher again)
Pat: Mind you, I’ll be going to sleep before you.
Wayne: I’m sure you are, you’re going to be way ahead of me, oh my friend, my friend, my friend, my friend. Let’s see, I’m just going to read some of the comments: “sounds like it’s just like atoms looking to find a balance” Yeah, they need to keep a balance to be happy.
Pat: It’s all about frequency, it’s all about energies, energy concerns, it’s all…
Wayne: and it’s universal…
Pat: absolutely…
Wayne: I mean it’s not just a man concept.
Pat: No
Wayne: Saturn, boy, I mean, I got this mental image while we were talking that I literally saw this opening and it’s artificial.
Pat: I got the impression there was a portal of some kind, somewhere close by.
Wayne: Yeah
Pat: A big one.
Wayne: hmm
Pat: Wow
Wayne: I’ve got a lot of thoughts running through my head you know, they may be able to teach us how we can begin to look at these things in a way scientifically. I still contend, as we discover what light is, and we haven’t even scratched the surface, we’re
going to be able to see these portals, these beings.
Pat: I get the impression many things are going to become visible to us. Take the Dragons for example, they’re becoming visible to us.
Wayne: Well, I think we ought to talk to the Dragons. You want to talk to….
Pat: Did you know the lady dragon told us her name is Firebird?
Wayne: No
Pat: Yeah, we had that on my show.
Wayne: Well would she be available?
Pat: Ask her, let’s see.

59:55--Wayne: May we speak to the Dragon Firebird?
Firebird: Yes, hello
Wayne: Hello, how are you?
Firebird: I am very well, thank you
Wayne: Um, I think there’s a lot of questions that we have. Are you native to this planet?
Firebird: I wouldn’t say I was born here, but I have been here a very, very long time.
Wayne: I get the sense that when you say a very long time, that it’s beyond our scope of comprehension.
Firebird: Through different civilizations of humans on this planet, you are not the first civilization that I have worked with.
Wayne: Are you multidimensional in your essence?
Firebird: We have the ability to, the word you would use is transport, we can transport our energy, our frequency, even our physical being elsewhere.
Wayne: So, I got the sense, Firebird, that you have the ability that, I’m thinking of the word realm, kingdom, that….
Firebird: Yes, realms, kingdoms….
Wayne: thank you, that they’re multidimensional.
Firebird: Correct
Wayne: Are you on a mission here, is it, I guess that the question I’d ask, are you on a mission?
Firebird: It is my vocation.
Wayne: WOW! Your vocation. How wonderful!
Firebird: It is something I have always enjoyed doing.
Wayne: Firebird, have you, do you, do you ascend in spiritual consciousness as man, mortal man hopes to become immortal?
Firebird: Eventually, we will all change into an electrical, energetic being, however, we live much longer than you do. It takes us longer to achieve this goal, but we do not repeat life after life like you do.
Wayne: Is there any hope for us to ever stop that cycle?
Firebird: It would be difficult to do so, but not impossible.
Wayne: Could you teach us ways that would not violate any laws as to us to prepare to maybe challenge the next cycle?
Firebird: Your have to have an intention everyday that the next time you leave, through the process you call death, you must have the word NO imprinted on your energy so no matter who approaches you for whatever reason, your default answer will be NO, NO. That can prevent you coming back, but you have to enforce it every day.
Wayne: Firebird you just had me in a place that I see what you mean, um, they’re going to try...well thank you Firebird, thank you. Can you bring others with you, we would love to meet others like you.
Firebird: I have many brothers and sisters who would like to talk with you. Some are already talking with humans. I have a brother who is a white dragon that has made contact. At the moment, that is all that is happening.
Wayne: Well, I will say this on behalf of sapiens everywhere, we welcome your presence into our lives again and we just ask that you just forgive us for sometimes, our arrogance.
Firebird: We are used to your ways.
Wayne: I’d like to get used to yours madam, thank you.
Firebird: We shall become known to the current human civilization.
Wayne: Anything we can do to help you with that Firebird, just let us know.
Firebird: Send us your energy you call love.
Wayne: We can do that.
Firebird: Thank you
Wayne: Thank you. (chuckling, I love this!)

Pat: Wow, what a go. Am I right Wayne, or have I spoke with an alien, and a dragon, and a planet, and a sun today?
Wayne: I think you have.
Pat: Don't tell anybody Wayne, I’ll be in asylum.
Wayne: You know what I tell them? We’re just playing cards here. (much laughter)
Pat: What a game!
Wayne: Ya know, they’re good Bridge players, what can we say, they know how to play cards.
Pat: She’s still here Wayne, I can feel her.
Wayne: Yeah, I know she is, um, and I don’t mind.
Pat: Can anybody else feel her energy? That’s a good question. Can anybody else in the chat feel her energy?
Wayne: Yes, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Pat: You can’t deny it, can you?
Wayne: No, it’s very strong, that one I’m going to relish, that, if I could just share it with people what I say mentally hit me, um, WOW! We’re going to talk about this again and again.
Pat: We can’t project what we feel, it’s- I’m hoping everybody else is feeling the same.
Wayne: I got the sense that everyone literally “up there” just rushed around this unit.
Pat: I don’t know if you watched the series “Westworld” when it was on, but they were around this big circle thing and they could see all the different woulds and they were looking down at, almost like Zeus looking down through the clouds you know. I got that impression…”hey, quick, quick, look!”
Wayne: That’s exactly what I was getting. WOW! A lot of people want to know more about the White Dragon. Well, we’re going to find out. I think this is an opportunity to get to know them all.
Pat: Why not?
Wayne: Why not. Either we’re going to have to begin to truly embrace outside the box thinking or we’re never going to get out of the box! And that’s what I hope these creatures, I mean, when she said, I’ll tell you what I was seeing Patrick, when she was saying “no, no, no” I saw myself as though I was in….
Pat: I was in a line of people and they were all being ushered in a certain way and I was standing and going no, no (Pat is making a pointing gesture), that way.
Wayne: I saw myself standing in a plaza with these people and the more I said no, the more wider the area got.
Pat: Wow.
Wayne: Well, mind totally fried! Patrick, it has been another exciting show.
Pat: That’s crazy Wayne.
Wayne: Yeah, God don’t belong in a box! (laughter)
Pat: (muffled)
Wayne: Well, I am looking forward to meeting the White Dragon.
Pat: Wow
Wayne: That one builds great anticipation in my cerebral cortex. Well Patrick, thank you sir.
Pat: Always a pleasure Wayne. Thank you everybody. Without your questions we wouldn’t have a show.
Wayne: We wouldn’t, and I know we did not get through…
Pat: Can I just say something...someone’s going to say you haven’t thanked the planets, that you haven’t thanked the Sun, you haven’t thanked The Domain, you haven’t thanked the Dragons. You need to thank them with respect before we go.
Wayne: Well, we just send nothing but love. I love the expression namaste (learn more here) to all of them and we embrace them. We are all spirits of one sort or another and we look upon these spirits, we thank them for their graciousness, and The Domain--we’re excited to make contact, thank you. That’s how I look at it, so, peace man. Patrick, you want to say anything before we go?
Pat: I’m just...I don’t think I’m going to be sleeping this evening Wayne, I’m definitely going to be watching this over again a couple of times.
Wayne: Well I’m going to tell you what, if we do have a visitor of a UFO nature I will film it and this is a great experiment. I like what, I think it was EO Alchemist who said it in the chat room at the beginning….
Pat: That’s Philo…
Wayne: Is that Philo? Ok, That we are doing experiments on a level of Tesla, I think into the psychic realm. I think people like Edgar Cayce would be very proud of us. I just got this sense that, you know, John Dee, if he could have lived in this century, who knows, he man be alive now, just in another version. I think that sucks Patrick, I don’t want to come back, I don’t want to come back. Anyway, so I’m just going to say, in fact, if I have to, I’ll have it put on my forehead--NO! Don’t you know what no means--NO!
Pat: Do not return. Instead of do not resuscitate, do not return.
Wayne: Do not return, that is so true. Well, thank you folks, you are all so great. We didn’t even get to literally, 20% of the questions, so we’ll bring them over next week. I have a feeling though, we’re going to be inundated.

**Wayne: Is the Earth a prison planet and are there spirits trapped here?
Pat: The chart says yes
Earth: The Earth has always been a prison planet in the sense that although those that incarnate here do so of their own free will. Once they are here they forget what was before and become prisoners to this reality and many, many pass through this reality without ever deciding that this is fake. Finish

Thursday, March 14, 2019

5 March 2019 show #11

Wayne and Patrick welcome everyone to the show. Patrick has become so connected to Source, the planets, moons, stars and the universe that he no longer needs to use the chart and pendulum. He explains how he actually feels the words coming as a sort of “frequency match” (he is NOT channeling). The timestamps are where Wayne is asking questions or making comments followed by Pat answering for the entity who was asked the question. Patrick performs his protection ritual and off we go….

Today Wayne is sharing some of the frequency tones of the planets from a web site at
18:30--Wayne shares the tone and frequency of Earth Frequency (EF). We have previously asked her what her frequency is, but she told us it’s a question you don’t ask a lady, so there is no information, just the sound of the regular tone of Earth’s Frequency, a simple, steady tone. Then Wayne also shared the sound EF made as the probe Cassini passed by her, which sounded like a group of people speaking in very soft, muffled tones. Cassini was launched on 15 October 1997 and was active in space for nearly 20 years, 13 of those were spent orbiting Saturn Frequency. The probe’s voyage included flybys of Venus Frequency, Earth Frequency (EF), asteroid 2685 Masursky and Jupiter Frequency (Wikipedia).

20:00--EF, may we speak with you?
Pat: Yes, hello Wayne
Wayne: Hello, good to talk to you madam. Earth, we’ve had a question. People want to know, are you growing in size?
Pat: This question has been asked of me before. I am expanding. I am expanding as part of the change that is happening to me. My frequency is getting stronger. I need to make room for the extra power that will be generated. There is times approaching where I will need more strength as all planets are under attack. We have a plan, we will win. Finish

21:16--Earth, the question is two parts here. Madam, we’d like to know, there is a question, do you die like mortals do? And where do energies like yours go when there is a destruction of the body?
Pat: We do not die the same way, and should a catastrophe happen to our physical self in this reality, our spiritual self example you received last week when Tiamat spoke. Our true essence continues after the death of the physical. Finish

23:40--The tone on this, just to let everyone know, is 144.72 gigahertz in the octave of D,
Mars Frequency. Also, the sound of the vibration as Cassini went by, a very unhappy, groaning sound.

25:25--Mars, may we speak with you?
Pat: Pleasure
Wayne: Always sir, how are you doing?
Pat: I am a lot better, thank you Wayne. I have received many communications which continue on a daily basis. The love I am receiving is truly humbling. I have initiated my regeneration. I am fully determined to return to my previous glory and take over control of myself. Finish
Wayne: Mars, big hug my friend, big hug. Can I ask you, you have a lot of secrets it appears, and we just learned one recently about you Mars, that you apparently have reserved, they’re saying, a lot of water. Is this true?
Pat: I do have water, I have a lot of water beneath the surface. I believe I have mentioned that before. Finish
Wayne: I believe you did, I just wanted to make sure on that. Mars, may we ask, are you in control of your own weather now?
Pat: Not yet, but I am working on it. Finish

29:15--Jupiter Frequency’s tone is an F sharp, 183.58 hertz. The effects on what we hear, when we hear this, supports creative power and continuous construction. It’s a very powerful tone. JF’s tone as Cassini passes by is softly “wavy”.

31:15--Jupiter, may we speak to you sir?
Pat: Yes
Wayne: Thank you. My question to you sir, are you a kingdom within yourself?
Pat: Kingdom is the wrong terminology. I am a realm within myself. I am more powerful than the other planets, not quite as powerful as the Sun, but I am working on it. Finish
Wayne: Sir, follow up to that. A realm, that indicates sentient life, is that what I heard you say, or am I misinterpreting you sir?
Pat: You are correct, but not necessarily physical, more of a frequency based reality. Finish
Wayne: One more question then Jupiter, I see what your saying. Within a frequency there could be virtually a limited amount of potential sentient life, is that what I’m hearing?
Pat: There is no limit to the capacity available. Finish
Wayne: Thank you, such great knowledge. Sir, I don’t know where I got this, are you producing rings around your own planet?
Pat: This knowledge in not known by most humans. I am generating rings myself. They have not yet passed the physical threshold, but their energy signals can be felt. Finish
Wayne: Jupiter, sir, I get the you talk to certain minds that speak out to you? Speaking specifically sir, of mortal man.
Pat: Each planet is responsible for a vast number of humans, among which there are those that communicate with us and we communicate with them. There are others we influence and they do not know where this influence comes from. It is from us, we do it with love. Those who know who they are communicating with are of a higher frequency and there has been a change recently throughout the solar system. We believe a tipping point has been reached and these events will increase and more people will be communicating with us, as it once was. Finish
40:02--Saturn is in the D octave, it’s at 147.85 megahertz. The sound is a very pleasant hum, like OM. Saturn sounds angry as Cassini passed by.

42:30--Saturn, may we speak with you?
Pat: Yes Wayne
Wayne: Good to talk to you sir. How are you doing? The folks on planet Earth would like to know, since we began talking to you, how are you doing?
Pat: My outlook has changed, I am a much more positive being. I can see, as you would say, the light at the end of the tunnel. I am drawing up plans, which I keep to myself at this time so they can not be stinted. I can see my way home. Finish
43:20--Saturn, it’s been observed that you are having some dramatic changes on your surface. Is this part of your plan?
Pat: Yes. Finish
Wayne: One last question, and we just love you, I just want to let you know the heart of humanity weeps with you and we rejoice with you. It has been said that you have some bad...mmm, how shall I say this...bad entities, energies that, I’ll just be candid with you, it’s kinda like having fleas. Is this how you see it as well?
Pat: Yes, but more powerful than fleas, fleas are an irritant. I have been controlled by negative forces, alien forces from different dimensions. I believe you would call them the Elohim. Finish
Wayne: Saturn, I can only say this to you sir, we will help you defeat them. You and us have a common cause, and if you need our help, you let us know.
Pat: Thank you Wayne. It is very much appreciated. Finish

**Wayne says here: “I’ve just got an odd way of putting it, I got a sense that their DNA is in part of us as well.” Pat says: “Yeah, we are a product of their loins, so to speak.” Both Wayne and Patrick say they feel the planets are happy today. This show has had lots of laughter and a fun, upbeat vibration.**

47:00--Uranus has a tone in G sharp and is at 207.36 gigahertz. This supports the power of surprise and renewal. It’s sound and tone has been more connected to the primeval and erotic power, a steady low tone. Uranus as Cassini flew by-WOW! Very strange with something almost tangible sounding. Patrick thinks it sounds like a loud whisper.

49:45--Uranus, may we speak with you?
Pat: Yes
Wayne: Very impressive, your frequency.
Pat: Thank you.
Wayne: I’m in awe, to be very candid with you. What was that that we were hearing, it was almost like there was a sentient voice?
Pat: That was my voice Wayne.
Wayne: I’ll reserve what I heard, but it was...a unique language. How are you doing, and I don’t know if you prefer your title as sir. I want to make sure we’re giving proper respect.
Pat: I have accepted my name given to me by the humans, Uranus. It does have a humorous side, and I would prefer to be called that, with the word frequency added afterwards, Uranus Frequency (UF), thank you.
Wayne: Well sir, we shall indeed do that. So, UF, how are you doing?
Pat: I, like my brothers and sisters, am doing very well, although, we all have a shared concern for the region of space we are approaching. I am uniquely placed to look ahead. The area we are traveling to is unknown to us. We can feel the different energies, frequencies, densities, and we feel changes in our rotation, changes in our orbit. We do not know how this region of space will affect us as a family. Finish
Wayne: UF, is the space that you see, is it of concern for you? You’ve been around a very long time. Am I sensing that there is something that you and the family are concerned about?
Pat: We sense the energetic signature, we have not sensed that signature before, it is unknown to us. Finish
Wayne: Would you keep us advised sir?
Pat: Always. Finish

54:00--Neptune is in G minor, 211.44 megahertz. It supports intuition and when the tone is heard, to certain minds of the unconscious, it enhances the dream experience and is related to what many say is the antiquity of a god of a long time ago of a sea. A steady tone, somewhat reminiscent of an ocean liner whistle. Cassini flyby sound is a wavy, whooshing sound.

56:18--Neptune Frequency (NF), may we speak with you?
Pat: Yes
Wayne: How are you doing my friend?
Pat: I have been concerned Wayne, especially because my rotation has been affected, my tilt has been affected, my orbit has been affected. I can see farther out than most, I also sense frequencies at a different level than my brothers and sisters and, worry is not the right word but, it is a concern. Finish
Wayne: NF, I sense that it’re genuinely concerned, aren’t you?
Pat: Yes Wayne!
Wayne: Every time I talk to you I get the same image. Is what I’m seeing...let’s just stop on this one’s the same freaking thing...this planet is concerned. I keep’s dark, it’s big, it’s black! (Patrick: “a big blackness.”) Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, it’s overwhelming! I did a video on it, I did a whole show on it (Patrick: “that is not coming to us, we are going to it.”). Yeah, that’s exactly what I’m getting. The hair on my arms is, um...I mean, I keep on seeing the same every time we talk to this being. Do you see it as well? (Patrick: “I sense it, I don’t see it. I sense it, mine is all feeling and you can feel the denseness of it like a thick, black’s like a solid wall as well, if you know what I mean. You can fall into water, but if you fall into it from a great height, it’s going to be like hitting concrete!”).

WOW! Another AMAZING, fantastic show with Wayne, Patrick and the Planets!

watch show #11 here

26 February 2019 show #10 (no video available)

Wayne had an attack of sorts after this show was uploaded and had to remove the video because of it.  Fortunately the transcription was completed before the video was removed.

Patrick performs the calibration--the pendulum is moving very fast, and Pat mentions that at some point he may have to just drop it and answer the questions without using it. Questions have their approximate timestamp to make it easier to locate if you are searching for a particular one.

1@6:50--May we speak with Earth Frequency (EF) please? YES. Thank you. Earth, it has been asked, do you die like mortals do?
EF: No
Wayne: Do you have an ending?
EF: No, there is a change of frequency and energy. It happens to all planets. Finish
Wayne: Earth Frequency, may we ask, are you a different type of energy than a mortal soul?
EF: Yes
Wayne: Is this an ascension process to where a spirit that is a mortal man, Earth? Can they ascend to a place where you are at?
EF: Yes
Wayne: Thank you, thank you.

2@8:46--Since we have you Earth Frequency, here is another question. Many people here on Earth are looking for ways in order to find good water and preserve it. Could you tell us anything that would help us?
EF: The importance of good water cannot be underestimated. There can be problems keeping it healthy. You must have sufficient supply for a period of at least a month. There will be droughts. Finish

3@10:45--Earth Frequency, the question is, regarding water, are there yet unexplained ways of obtaining drinking water?
EF: Yes. The surface supply of water can easily be contaminated. The sub-earth supply can not. There will come a time when the inner and surface beings must work together to survive. Finish

4@12:30--Jupiter Frequency (JF), may we talk to you? YES. Thank you. The question has been asked, are you a sun on the 5th dimension?
JF: No. Dimensions do not affect my ascension. Finish
Wayne: May we continue with you Jupiter? We see what we call the aurora borealis here on Earth. Why is it happening just on your planet and not on the other planets?
JF: This is because of the electrical changes happening to me. I am transitioning to a sun. Finish
Wayne: Jupiter, sir, may we have one more question with you? Our scientists are now saying that you were not always here in this solar system. Is this true, or it this not true?
JF: Yes, that is correct. Two solar systems merged. Finish

5@16:22--Saturn, may we speak with you? YES. I have been asked specifically, how are you doing?
Saturn: I am doing much, much better. The love I am receiving makes all the difference. I am making headway with my efforts to escape those that control me. Finish

6@17:33--Sir (Saturn Frequency) , the question has been this: Today we only have legends. Were you at one time considered to be a sun to Earth?
SF: I was the sun that came with Jupiter. Finish

7@19:25--Earth Frequency, it is I again Can we speak? Yes Wayne. (Wayne chuckles and says: “You are beautiful.”) Ma’am, last week it was observed in the northern hemisphere of the aurora that a green dragon appeared that shouldn’t have. Can you tell us what happened?
EF: These are an example of beings that have always been here, but you have not seen. The time is now when more shall be seen, and then they shall be heard. Finish

8@20:51--Earth Frequency, one more question, if I may ma’am. How far are does the firmament extend around you?
EF: There really is NO limit. Finish
Wayne: Are there firmaments within this kingdom Earth?
EF: Kingdoms is the wrong terminology. There are places where the frequencies collect which are in tune. Finish

9@26:26--May we speak with the frequency of Tiamat? YES. I don’t know if you are the gender of the masculine or the feminine, but with due respect, we just want to say thank you, and it’s quite an honor. I guess the questions is, how are you?
Tiamat: I, as a physical planet got broken, shattered, torn apart. I, as a spiritual presence is still here working with the other planets. Finish
Wayne: I get the sense, sir, that you’re a mighty...I’m getting a very strong frequency.
Tiamat: I am the strongest beneath the Sun. Finish

10:@31:44--May we speak with the Mars Frequency? YES, it is a pleasure Wayne.
Wayne: Big hug, big hug my friend. We want to know how are you doing?
Mars: Thank you, I am feeling much better after our last communication. Thank you. Finish
Wayne: You are beautiful my friend. We have a question sir. There is a rumor that there may be humans on your surface, particularly military, that it’s said they are testing weapons on your surface. It this true?
Mars: Yes! (a VERY strong yes)
Wayne: Are these hurting you?
Mars: Yes! (again, a VERY strong yes)
Wayne: Alright Mars, what can we do to help you?
Mars: The help required is not in your arsenal. Finish
Wayne: Well Mars, I’m going to tell you this sir, we will be sending you all the energy that we can, and thank you for enlightening us on that.

11@35:42--Earth Frequency, may we speak? YES. Thank you. Ma’am, the question has been if you can tell us which yuga (Wikipedia: yuga in Hinduism is an epoch or era within a four-age cycle.) we are in?
EF: This is not important. Next question. Finish
Wayne: When was the last Younger Dryas (Wikipedia: The Younger Dryas was a return to glacial conditions which temporarily reversed the gradual climatic warming after the Last Glacial Maximum started receding around 20,000 BP.) period? I’ve asked the question.
EF: The time frame is different than expected. We are much, much older that you are taught. These different time periods, or ages, are billions of years apart. It does not influence humans. Finish

12@38:45--Earth Frequency(EF), the question has been asked, do you know of any terrestrial or non-terrestrials that are engaged in eradication of the human race?
EF: This has been accepted throughout the galaxy for eons. There is a force that wants to enslave humans, but they have become, as a species, unreliable. Therefore, their future is in doubt. Finish
Wayne: I have another question for her. Earth, has there been any deity that has tried to curse you and do these curses actually affect you?
EF: So-called deities are false gods. They have influence, but not control. Finish

13@41:43--Uranus Frequency (UF), are you there? YES. Uranus, we were (pause)…..people, when they heard you last, felt like you had more to say and so the question is, do you have a message for us here on Earth?
UF: The message I would give is to think about the moment. Do not worry about tomorrow. Take enjoyment from today. Finish

14@43:30--Sun Frequency (SF), are you there? YES. It is good to talk to your sir. The question sir is this: You informed us that you’re in the process of a micro-nova. Can you tell us what will happen to human life? Thank you.
SF: There will be changes, not necessarily catastrophe, but physiological changes and increase in frequency, electrical activity and energy signatures. This is part of your ascension. Finish

15@46:40--So, Sun, have you micro-novaed in the past, and what did it do to humans then?
SF: Yes, I have gone through this process several times, although, human life has not always been present. Recent human civilizations before yours have already ascended. Finish
Wayne: Sun, I’d like to ask you another question. Do you know of the archons?
SF: The archon’s mistakenly believe they have all the power, they are sadly mistaken. They will be dealt with. Finish

16@51:10--This is from Angelfish: My daughter would like to ask Gaia if the dragons are still here with us and when she would be able to ride them?
Wayne: Are the dragons here? Would you like to talk to us?
Dragons: Yes--one at a time please, there are thousands!
Wayne: Tell us who you are.
Dragons: We are your guardians. Finish
Wayne says here: “I love you man.” The pendulum immediately swings aggressively and a dragon states: “I am a lady!” (Lots of laughter occurs at this point...and really, you can’t make this stuff up!) Wayne says: “My apologies, I meant nothing personal.
53:14--May I ask then ma’am, what was the symbol of the green appearance of the dragon?
Dragons: That is an example of the size and nature or our spirit. Finish
Wayne: Thank you, thank you. So, the question I ask, should humanity fear you or should we embrace you?
Dragons: There is no need to fear us unless you attack us. Finish
Wayne: What do you mean by attack?
Dragons: Physically
Wayne: Physically? Physically!!! Well, we don’t want to do that!
Pat: I wouldn’t recommend it!
Wayne: May I just say ma’am, would you please pass on to the others, we would love to talk to you more but...tell them from this group, we send love and favor to you all.
Dragons: We have received many messages from you humans. We are very, very grateful friends. Finish

Wayne and Patrick thank the Sun, planets and the Dragons….
Wayne: “We don’t want to harm the Dragons ‘cause like you said Patrick, they breathe fire. I’d rather pet my dragon than…...let me rephrase that! (Chuckling, again. Much enlightening entertainment and fun always happens on this show!)

And with that, the end comes to another AMAZING time together, “Talking With the Planets”!

there is no longer video of show #10, sorry

19 February 2019 show #9

Questions are listed with their approximate timestamp for ease in locating any particular ones. Wayne is asking the questions, Patrick is answering them as the planets speak to him.

9:05 #1 May be speak to Saturn please? Yes. Saturn, the question has come, do you control the proper orbit of Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto and the other outer planets in our solar system?
Saturn: No

9:30 #2 Are your rings to imprison you in some way, and if so, what are they trying to keep you in prison about?
Saturn: The rings that are around me are primarily to control YOU. Finish

11:20 #3 Saturn, could you explain with you mean--the rings control us? Thank you.
Saturn: There is a continual signal being transmitted by the rings that make it very difficult for mankind to access all of his gifts. Finish

12:45 #4 Earth, may be speak to you? Yes. Thank you, thank you. Mother Earth, there is a question that has been asked, is the Creator the image of a female or the image of something else?
Earth: The original Creator consciousness is female. Finish

14:02 #5 May we talk with you again Saturn? Yes. Saturn, you mentioned about the rings controlling mankind. Are these rings being generated by an intelligence?
Saturn: The intelligence behind this technology is alien to this solar system. It is not necessarily an alien species but more an attack by the inter-dimensionals. Finish

15:57 #6 Mother Earth, we’d like to ask you, what are your feelings about the beings that live under the ground. Are they real?
Earth: There are many different species beneath ground. They are primarily descended from the original occupants of this planet. You humans are the aliens. Finish

18:15 #7 Mother Earth, the question that has been debated lately, are you round, a globe, or are you flat?
Earth: In this physical reality I am spherical. In my spiritual form, I am spherical. Finish

19:50 #8 Jupiter may we speak to you please? Yes. Thank you. Jupiter, what is your relationship with Sirius?
Jupiter: The relationship is only one of respect and admiration. There is a small relationship in a sense that we are all created equal. Beyond that we are individual, both physically and spiritually, although together we are one. Finish

22:10 #9 Earth, may we speak to you again? Yes. Thank you. Earth, the question has been asked, do you have another name that you are known by?
Earth: The names that have been given me are numerous, but all are false. I have no name, I have a frequency signature that is unique. Finish

24:53 #10 This is a question for Earth. Is there a stargate on Earth?
Earth: There are multitudes of stargates throughout the planet. They are primarily to transport many different races from throughout the galaxy and further throughout the universe. Also there are a few that travel interdimensionally and, there is one only that travels through time. Finish

26:54 #11 Someone wants to know Saturn, are you ok? Are you ok as an entity?
Saturn: The time prior to us communicating was a very difficult time for me. I am doing much better due to the amount of love I have received. I am getting stronger. Finish

28:18 #12 Neptune, may we speak to you? Yes. Thank you. Neptune, are we observing something happening to you? We are seeing great changes on your surface-are you ok?
Neptune: There is an effect happening that is changing my rotation, my tilt, my orbit, my frequency is being affected. This is due to outside objects coming closer to this solar system. Finish

30:24 #13 Neptune, is this object large enough to disrupt our solar system?
Neptune: This object is disrupting this solar system. Finish

31:30 #14 Earth, the question we have, and we’re very respectful on this, do you know Lilith?
Earth: Yes, as mentioned before, we are family. We have a familial bond that surpasses all connections. There is a frequency consciousness connection that surpasses all understanding. Finish
(5 Feb #13 Earth, do you know Lilith? Earth: This female goddess was the first female on Earth. She is, in fact my family. Finish)

33:46 #15 Earth, we have a question for you. You had said there are many types of beings inside of you. Is there an entrance that is inside that is safe to enter for those beings and are they friendly to humankind?
Earth: There are many entrances that exist throughout this world. The most used is at both poles, although the subterranean bunkers that are being constructed are creating new entrances. There are different races here and most are benevolent. Some, unfortunately, are malevolent. There has been wars between those from below with the surface population. These have been ignored by your history but not the history of those below. They have a lawful claim on this planet--you do NOT. Finish

37:00 #16 Earth, do you know of the Elohim?
Earth: Yes, they have been exerting influence upon this solar system for many, many eons of time. They are not to be trusted. Finish
(29 Jan #4 The question has been asked of the Elohim, do you remember when they arrived? Earth: These beings called the Elohim arrived many, many millennia ago and have performed many, many experiments upon the population of Earth. This is not very pleasing to me. I have grown very affectionate for humans. Finish)

40:50 #17 This is for Uranus, may we speak to you? Yes. Uranus, the question is, do you have ice caps or are you simply a gas entity?
Uranus: There is a physical aspect to myself although there are gases present. The planetary object within is very, very old. Finish

42:10 #18 Jupiter, may we speak to you? Yes. Thank you. Could you please tell us, is this Nibiru the object that’s coming in?
Jupiter: The series of objects is what you would call the Nibiru system. The planet Nibiru is not alone nor is it the biggest. The most dangerous aspect is however, the gigantic debris field that follows this system. Finish

45:45 # 19 Earth, are there going to be increased volcanic activity and earthquake activity?
Earth: There are many new volcanoes being formed and new land masses being created. There will, however, also be losses of land. Unfortunately some will be inhabited. Finish

47:30 #20 Sun, may we speak with you? Yes. Sun, it’s been asked, are you still emitting light?
(At this point the pendulum is swinging wildly across the chart! Wayne says WOW, Whoa! Patrick says he’s going to put the pendulum back in place. Wayne says: “I’ll tell you what, after that Sun, I respect you.”) And then he asks: Do you have something you would like to tell us? You have the floor sir!
Sun: Thank you Wayne. It is a very serious message that I have. I am undergoing a change, the human expression is death, but I and my children do not look at it that way. Change is inevitable and creates new opportunities for all, including me. Finish

51:44 #21 Mercury, may we speak with you? Yes. Is there a message you would like to tell humanity today?
Mercury: Try to love everyone. Try to enjoy the moment, it really is all you ever have. Finish

52:46 # 22 Saturn, we would like to know, is the myth of our history true that at one time you were our sun, for Earth?
Saturn: There have been many different suns. This happens when solar systems mingle. Some planets are removed, some are added. Also, suns are added and removed. Sometimes there are multiple suns at one time. The energy from that event is very, very powerful. Finish

54:45 # 23 Earth, the audience would like to know, do you have a spirit as we think of spirits?
Earth: Yes and no. I have an individual spirit that is tied to my physical form. I also have a spirit that is part of the collective of this solar system. We are all connected in many different ways. There is no limit to the possibilities. Finish

Patrick asks all in the chat who have pendulums, rods, tarot cards or whatever divination tools they use if they can ask if the messages we are receiving here through him are correct and truthful.

watch show #9 here

2 July 2019 #16

Wayne is asking the questions and Patrick is “connecting” with, and answering for the entity being asked.  There are some spots where the ...