Thursday, March 14, 2019

5 March 2019 show #11

Wayne and Patrick welcome everyone to the show. Patrick has become so connected to Source, the planets, moons, stars and the universe that he no longer needs to use the chart and pendulum. He explains how he actually feels the words coming as a sort of “frequency match” (he is NOT channeling). The timestamps are where Wayne is asking questions or making comments followed by Pat answering for the entity who was asked the question. Patrick performs his protection ritual and off we go….

Today Wayne is sharing some of the frequency tones of the planets from a web site at
18:30--Wayne shares the tone and frequency of Earth Frequency (EF). We have previously asked her what her frequency is, but she told us it’s a question you don’t ask a lady, so there is no information, just the sound of the regular tone of Earth’s Frequency, a simple, steady tone. Then Wayne also shared the sound EF made as the probe Cassini passed by her, which sounded like a group of people speaking in very soft, muffled tones. Cassini was launched on 15 October 1997 and was active in space for nearly 20 years, 13 of those were spent orbiting Saturn Frequency. The probe’s voyage included flybys of Venus Frequency, Earth Frequency (EF), asteroid 2685 Masursky and Jupiter Frequency (Wikipedia).

20:00--EF, may we speak with you?
Pat: Yes, hello Wayne
Wayne: Hello, good to talk to you madam. Earth, we’ve had a question. People want to know, are you growing in size?
Pat: This question has been asked of me before. I am expanding. I am expanding as part of the change that is happening to me. My frequency is getting stronger. I need to make room for the extra power that will be generated. There is times approaching where I will need more strength as all planets are under attack. We have a plan, we will win. Finish

21:16--Earth, the question is two parts here. Madam, we’d like to know, there is a question, do you die like mortals do? And where do energies like yours go when there is a destruction of the body?
Pat: We do not die the same way, and should a catastrophe happen to our physical self in this reality, our spiritual self example you received last week when Tiamat spoke. Our true essence continues after the death of the physical. Finish

23:40--The tone on this, just to let everyone know, is 144.72 gigahertz in the octave of D,
Mars Frequency. Also, the sound of the vibration as Cassini went by, a very unhappy, groaning sound.

25:25--Mars, may we speak with you?
Pat: Pleasure
Wayne: Always sir, how are you doing?
Pat: I am a lot better, thank you Wayne. I have received many communications which continue on a daily basis. The love I am receiving is truly humbling. I have initiated my regeneration. I am fully determined to return to my previous glory and take over control of myself. Finish
Wayne: Mars, big hug my friend, big hug. Can I ask you, you have a lot of secrets it appears, and we just learned one recently about you Mars, that you apparently have reserved, they’re saying, a lot of water. Is this true?
Pat: I do have water, I have a lot of water beneath the surface. I believe I have mentioned that before. Finish
Wayne: I believe you did, I just wanted to make sure on that. Mars, may we ask, are you in control of your own weather now?
Pat: Not yet, but I am working on it. Finish

29:15--Jupiter Frequency’s tone is an F sharp, 183.58 hertz. The effects on what we hear, when we hear this, supports creative power and continuous construction. It’s a very powerful tone. JF’s tone as Cassini passes by is softly “wavy”.

31:15--Jupiter, may we speak to you sir?
Pat: Yes
Wayne: Thank you. My question to you sir, are you a kingdom within yourself?
Pat: Kingdom is the wrong terminology. I am a realm within myself. I am more powerful than the other planets, not quite as powerful as the Sun, but I am working on it. Finish
Wayne: Sir, follow up to that. A realm, that indicates sentient life, is that what I heard you say, or am I misinterpreting you sir?
Pat: You are correct, but not necessarily physical, more of a frequency based reality. Finish
Wayne: One more question then Jupiter, I see what your saying. Within a frequency there could be virtually a limited amount of potential sentient life, is that what I’m hearing?
Pat: There is no limit to the capacity available. Finish
Wayne: Thank you, such great knowledge. Sir, I don’t know where I got this, are you producing rings around your own planet?
Pat: This knowledge in not known by most humans. I am generating rings myself. They have not yet passed the physical threshold, but their energy signals can be felt. Finish
Wayne: Jupiter, sir, I get the you talk to certain minds that speak out to you? Speaking specifically sir, of mortal man.
Pat: Each planet is responsible for a vast number of humans, among which there are those that communicate with us and we communicate with them. There are others we influence and they do not know where this influence comes from. It is from us, we do it with love. Those who know who they are communicating with are of a higher frequency and there has been a change recently throughout the solar system. We believe a tipping point has been reached and these events will increase and more people will be communicating with us, as it once was. Finish
40:02--Saturn is in the D octave, it’s at 147.85 megahertz. The sound is a very pleasant hum, like OM. Saturn sounds angry as Cassini passed by.

42:30--Saturn, may we speak with you?
Pat: Yes Wayne
Wayne: Good to talk to you sir. How are you doing? The folks on planet Earth would like to know, since we began talking to you, how are you doing?
Pat: My outlook has changed, I am a much more positive being. I can see, as you would say, the light at the end of the tunnel. I am drawing up plans, which I keep to myself at this time so they can not be stinted. I can see my way home. Finish
43:20--Saturn, it’s been observed that you are having some dramatic changes on your surface. Is this part of your plan?
Pat: Yes. Finish
Wayne: One last question, and we just love you, I just want to let you know the heart of humanity weeps with you and we rejoice with you. It has been said that you have some bad...mmm, how shall I say this...bad entities, energies that, I’ll just be candid with you, it’s kinda like having fleas. Is this how you see it as well?
Pat: Yes, but more powerful than fleas, fleas are an irritant. I have been controlled by negative forces, alien forces from different dimensions. I believe you would call them the Elohim. Finish
Wayne: Saturn, I can only say this to you sir, we will help you defeat them. You and us have a common cause, and if you need our help, you let us know.
Pat: Thank you Wayne. It is very much appreciated. Finish

**Wayne says here: “I’ve just got an odd way of putting it, I got a sense that their DNA is in part of us as well.” Pat says: “Yeah, we are a product of their loins, so to speak.” Both Wayne and Patrick say they feel the planets are happy today. This show has had lots of laughter and a fun, upbeat vibration.**

47:00--Uranus has a tone in G sharp and is at 207.36 gigahertz. This supports the power of surprise and renewal. It’s sound and tone has been more connected to the primeval and erotic power, a steady low tone. Uranus as Cassini flew by-WOW! Very strange with something almost tangible sounding. Patrick thinks it sounds like a loud whisper.

49:45--Uranus, may we speak with you?
Pat: Yes
Wayne: Very impressive, your frequency.
Pat: Thank you.
Wayne: I’m in awe, to be very candid with you. What was that that we were hearing, it was almost like there was a sentient voice?
Pat: That was my voice Wayne.
Wayne: I’ll reserve what I heard, but it was...a unique language. How are you doing, and I don’t know if you prefer your title as sir. I want to make sure we’re giving proper respect.
Pat: I have accepted my name given to me by the humans, Uranus. It does have a humorous side, and I would prefer to be called that, with the word frequency added afterwards, Uranus Frequency (UF), thank you.
Wayne: Well sir, we shall indeed do that. So, UF, how are you doing?
Pat: I, like my brothers and sisters, am doing very well, although, we all have a shared concern for the region of space we are approaching. I am uniquely placed to look ahead. The area we are traveling to is unknown to us. We can feel the different energies, frequencies, densities, and we feel changes in our rotation, changes in our orbit. We do not know how this region of space will affect us as a family. Finish
Wayne: UF, is the space that you see, is it of concern for you? You’ve been around a very long time. Am I sensing that there is something that you and the family are concerned about?
Pat: We sense the energetic signature, we have not sensed that signature before, it is unknown to us. Finish
Wayne: Would you keep us advised sir?
Pat: Always. Finish

54:00--Neptune is in G minor, 211.44 megahertz. It supports intuition and when the tone is heard, to certain minds of the unconscious, it enhances the dream experience and is related to what many say is the antiquity of a god of a long time ago of a sea. A steady tone, somewhat reminiscent of an ocean liner whistle. Cassini flyby sound is a wavy, whooshing sound.

56:18--Neptune Frequency (NF), may we speak with you?
Pat: Yes
Wayne: How are you doing my friend?
Pat: I have been concerned Wayne, especially because my rotation has been affected, my tilt has been affected, my orbit has been affected. I can see farther out than most, I also sense frequencies at a different level than my brothers and sisters and, worry is not the right word but, it is a concern. Finish
Wayne: NF, I sense that it’re genuinely concerned, aren’t you?
Pat: Yes Wayne!
Wayne: Every time I talk to you I get the same image. Is what I’m seeing...let’s just stop on this one’s the same freaking thing...this planet is concerned. I keep’s dark, it’s big, it’s black! (Patrick: “a big blackness.”) Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, it’s overwhelming! I did a video on it, I did a whole show on it (Patrick: “that is not coming to us, we are going to it.”). Yeah, that’s exactly what I’m getting. The hair on my arms is, um...I mean, I keep on seeing the same every time we talk to this being. Do you see it as well? (Patrick: “I sense it, I don’t see it. I sense it, mine is all feeling and you can feel the denseness of it like a thick, black’s like a solid wall as well, if you know what I mean. You can fall into water, but if you fall into it from a great height, it’s going to be like hitting concrete!”).

WOW! Another AMAZING, fantastic show with Wayne, Patrick and the Planets!

watch show #11 here

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2 July 2019 #16

Wayne is asking the questions and Patrick is “connecting” with, and answering for the entity being asked.  There are some spots where the ...