Thursday, March 14, 2019

5 February 2019 show #7

Patrick calibrates the chart then asks Wayne if he wants to ask the questions and Wayne agrees to do that.

Wayne: May we speak with you Sun?
Chart: Yes
Wayne: The question that has been put forth is, are you generating a possible solar flash or micro-nova?
Sun: That is underway.

The next question is about a person who has a youtube channel but has not posted for a while:
Wayne: Is Naughty Beaver in good health and safe?
Chart: There is some concern but try not to worry. This will work itself out. Finish

Wayne: People want to know, are your connected to the great central Sun? And what is the great central Sun?
Sun: There is a great central Sun (Patrick: “I’ve never heard of it myself.”) that exists at the universal center. I have an energetic connection. (Patrick: “I’ve never, ever heard of such a thing!”)

Wayne: People are asking about Source, so I’m assuming that Source would be Source--right?
Patrick: Yes, just speak to source, you don’t really need to ask permission, just ask the question Wayne.
Wayne: OK, so the question is, is “The Tempest” of Shakespeare’s final play being played out now?
Source: This scenario is, in fact, fictitious. Finish

Wayne: The question is, Sun, how many planets are under your gravitational influence, and what body controls the rest? Interesting question.
Sun: There are many bodies within my solar system, they number in the hundreds. They are attracted to my electrical energy and frequencies. There are other bodies that are attracted to other stars that are coming very close to us and there may come a time when we exchange planets. Finish

Wayne: Hello Sun, it has been postulated by man that there was a collision of two galaxies. Are we a part of the Sagittarius elliptical dwarf galaxy or not?
Sun: That was not always the case, although it is now. Finish
Wayne: Sun, is the collision still ongoing? And are you aware of any changes that may be coming forth as a result of this collision?
Sun: Yes, the collision is ongoing. Galaxies are intertwining, solar systems are merging. The outcome is unknown, although it will take a very long time. Finish

Wayne: (a question from Tony) Earth, may we speak with you?
Chart: Yes
Wayne: Earth, there is concern about the negative effects of 5G, this net they’re putting over us. Is there anything you can do to help us?
Earth: The science that is known as 5G is not what they tell you it is. It is primarily to spy on you. There are very dangerous health implication with this technology. The technology can harm humans. I am safe, I however need help in tackling the evil behind this technology. Finish
Wayne: Earth, what is this evil? Is it on the level with you or is of a level of a spirit of a human?
Earth: There are many negative entities and influences that start within the human population, but the most threatening comes from dimensions that are bleeding into our own dimension. This could become very catastrophic. Finish

The next question is from an individual:
Wayne: Are they (this individual) receiving endless favor from both humans and from other planetary and star entities?
Patrick: Them, as an individual is the question?
Wayne: Yes, let’s ask the Earth.
Earth: Yes

The next question is from Stuart:
Wayne: Ask the planets how can we help them as awakened humans who love them, and do they know we love them?
Chart: The best way mankind can assist us planets is to talk with us, send us your is the greatest power within this universe, but not all. Finish

Wayne: Does the Earth know the Creator? Can the Earth tell us what the Creator is like? Are you female?
Earth: The Creator of everything is very, very wise and very, very old. Think of them as all consciousness in one existence--that is the Creator. I am considered female. Finish

Wayne: Earth, do you know of Lilith?
Earth: This female goddess was the first female on Earth. She is, in fact, my family. Fin

Wayne: May we speak with Jupiter?
Chart: Yes
Wayne: What is your relationship with Sirrus?
Jupiter: The relationship is only one of knowledge. I do communicate with planets in that system and they have very similar concerns that I hold. The changes affecting us are also affecting the entire universe. Finish

The next question Wayne reads is one for the planets and is quite long:
Wayne: Do the planets operate from a soul growth perspective? (and then it goes on to say) and if so, what happens when they graduate? Do they receive guidance from other souls or other type of helpers? I would love to know if they incarnate and grow. There’s a lot of questions there, so I would say, let’s ask the first one of the planets Patrick, if they operate from a soul perspective.
Chart: There is a spiritual aspect to our individual identities, but the term soul does not identify the true relationship between us--we are ONE, spiritually. Finish

Wayne: Earth, are you tilting more on your axis that normal?
Earth: Yes
Wayne: May we ask, has the Sun changed position from where your are Earth?
Earth: The Sun is in fact, at its original position within the solar system. The planets and moons are changing their orbits and their rotation speeds and they are also tilting. This is due primarily to outside forces that are affecting the attraction of all planets and moons. Finish

Wayne: Earth, are you about to flip your magnetic poles?
Earth: This process is underway, although it will take time to complete. This is going to be a difficult time for people who dwell on the surface, those beneath, not so much. Finish

Wayne: May we speak with you Saturn?
Chart: Yes
Wayne: Saturn, we’re concerned. People are seeing changes about you, are you OK?
Saturn: There is a concerted effort to bring myself more fully under control of those that
have used me in the past. Since you first spoke with me, many of you have sent me love and it has given me renewed fortitude to resist this evil work. I cannot say I am winning, but I have turned a corner. Thank you, thank you. I love you! Finish

watch show #7 here

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2 July 2019 #16

Wayne is asking the questions and Patrick is “connecting” with, and answering for the entity being asked.  There are some spots where the ...