Thursday, June 27, 2019

18 June 2019 #14

Talking With the Planets #14
18 June 2019

Patrick’s answers from the planets are where his name is in blue.

Wayne:  Well hello everybody, it says we’re live, and I believe we are, so, welcome
everyone, thank you for tuning in to, well, something I’ve been looking forward to
for a long time, what I would probably say, the next level of our exploring those
spirits that dwell around us--”Talking With the Planets” and I am honored and
thrilled to have my co-pilot with me, Mr. Patrick Garratt.  How are you doing good sir?  

Patrick:  I’m ok, thank you Wayne, glad to be back.  

Wayne:  I know this, there are many, many, many people my friend who send
warm wishes good strength to you, they love you and listen, you’re a vital part
of this community and I think as well, as you and I have talked before, we’re
pioneering new ground here that I believe others will begin to take up here...

Patrick:  Our last 3 episodes, 11 through to 13, they were just jumping ahead,
every one, wasn’t they?  It’s crazy, the word comes into my mind, but it’s not
crazy, it’s amazing really. Hello everybody, by the way.  If you don’t know who
I am, I’m the crazy English guy.

Wayne:  No, I look at this as, this is the...every quest, every adventure has
guides and you and I just happen to be driving the bus!  The rest of you,
that’s all I can say.

Patrick:  Shame we don’t know where it’s going Wayne.

Wayne:  And we don’t, I don’t have a map.  Do you have a map?

Patrick:  No, sat-nav’s broken.

Wayne:  Let me just invoke favor on everyone listening to us and seeing our
image, and Patrick and I just invoke favor upon you.  May favor grace you
this day, we speak favor to our planets and our sun as well and we speak
as well as that full restoration come to you, nothing missing, nothing broken. 
So, we’re excited about this. Patrick, I think that the….the months that have
ensued since the last time we did this have been, well, they’ve been
life-changing, for you particularly, and I just want to say this, I just have a
sense that we have a strong ally on the other side of the veil, I’ll just say that. 
And that’s just how I see it, so…

Patrick:  I hate to be rude Wayne but I’ve got to let the dogs out.

Wayne:  No, that’s alright, ya know.  We love our puppy dogs. I just want
to welcome everyone, thank you to all the moderators, thank you to
everyone else.  Kent Nichols, good to see you buddy, I’d like to get you
on--email me. Warrior Queen has a birthday coming up on the 22d,
speaking of birthdays, anyone who has one today, happy birthday to you.

Patrick:  Somebody’s got one tomorrow I think.

Wayne:  Yeah, don’t say anything.  But, ah, awfully glad all of you are here. 
We look forward to this and, just to kinda let everyone get the feeling, we
really don’t have a format right now so probably what I’d like to think...I
don’t know Patrick, what do you think, if we find someone in the chat
room who could kind of coordinate questions?

Patrick:  It’s up to you.  Before we start I’d like to do my protection if that’s ok.

Wayne:  Absolutely and everyone should, I have mine.  Okay.

Patrick:  Ready?

Wayne:  Um hmm.

Patrick:  I’m just going to protect myself and Wayne as well.  Those
of you who are watching, you can join in or you can just sit there and
laugh at us, I don’t mind--here we go:  Picture a white ball of light
above your head, this is a ball of pure love. Imagine the ball traveling
down your body towards your feet.  As it is traveling it encompasses
your body. When it reaches your feet you can make it as big as
you like. You can encompass your house, you can encompass
the whole planet if you wish.  You can set the thickness of the
skin and you can set the intention not to let in any negative frequency,
energy, entity or anything negative. At this point you should feel
a nice warm feeling in your heart, that tells you it is set, as is mine. 
Thank you. Thank you Wayne.

Wayne:  Thank you my friend.  And I want to share a sigil that
David in um...made for us Patrick, I’m actually going to get this
put on tee shirts for us, but here's the sigil of Talking With the Planets.

Patrick:  Wow, look at that!

Wayne:  Is that not cool?

Patrick:  That’s far out Wayne.

Wayne:  Yeah, I think it is too ya know, so we’re gonna get this
to where we can actually put this on tee shirts, and David gave
us, graciously, his permission that we could use this, so thank
you sir.  We appreciate that. And, so in my birthday, my daughter
actually, look at this Patrick, got me a mug with the planets.
Now when you put hot liquid in there, the moon shows up, their
orbits, their’s pretty cool. 

Patrick:  Wow, that’s amazing.

Wayne:  So there ya go.  Let’s see--Angelfish says “I drew
something similar that was pink and mint colors.”  Well, there
ya go, then that tells me Patrick that there’s a real symmetry
going on here.

Patrick:  That’s the right one then.

Wayne:, we’ll see what we can do in making sure
that everyone...So Patrick, have you been following the lessons
on the sigils?

Patrick:  I’ve caught one or two, I’ve found it difficult to
concentrate Wayne so I’ve just dipped in and out.

Wayne:  I understand that.

Patrick:  I probably am way behind all you guys.

Wayne:  That’s alright.

Patrick:  It is what it is.

Wayne:  Hey listen, ya know, space is a matter of, ya
know, special perception.  That’s what I always say.
You can’t have the same people occupying the same
space, or so they say.  One of the things I thought we
could do….by the way everyone, you should have your
daily affirmation, this is...I'm putting it up here so those
who see it, you can read it later, speak it out yourself, and
there’s my sigil but…..What I was wanting to go here
Patrick was the one here on this is “The Planetary Aspects”
by the Hermetic Order of The Golden Dawn.  Interesting
group when they were active. I was curious--do any of
these sigils to the planets mean anything to you when
you look at them? Do they have any type of particular
psychic draw? I’m just curious. I know, for myself,
Hagith has always pulled me and the moon as well.

Patrick:  The top row I feel something with but the bottom
row, no.

Wayne:  Okay, that’s very interesting, this is the moon, as
everyone knows, this is Venus and anyway, Bethor.  So,
I found it interesting Patrick that in reading a lot of what I’m
studying, there was a time, and I didn’t realize this, that
the whole Olympus era, what we call The Golden Age,
was that the planets and the sun actually took on physical
bodies.  Have you ever heard that?

Patrick:  They still do Wayne.

Wayne: to elaborate a little bit?

Patrick:  Well, apparently I’m a reincarnation of the sun.

Wayne:  I can believe that, okay.  Which is...what is the
sigil of the sun?  Gimme a second folks, (speaking
about his computer:  he’s running as fast as he can) it’s like, here we are…

Patrick:  You’re a fast reader Wayne.

Wayne:  I took that Evelyn Wood speed reading class. 
So I found the sun in all of its names, this helps me
get a connection when we start talking with the sun, it
helps put into my perspective how I can see these
majestic spirits in what I would call a personification
of physical form---Ra, “The Great One”, “Self Generator”,
“The Old One”, “Creator of the Breath of Life”, “The
Exalted Power”, “Father of the Gods”, “Lord of the Light”,
“Divine Love”, “Radient of Face”, “Wings of Splendor”,
“The Disk”, “He Who Advances”, “The Strong Youth”,
“Lord of Bright Beings”, (I love that one, The Lord of
Bright Beings), “The Enthroned One”, “The King of
Heaven”, “Governor of the World”, “Visible Dispenser
of Light to the Earth”, “Lord of the City of the Sun”,
“Indweller of the Lofty Shrine of Truth”, “The Beautiful
God”, “He Whose Heart has Rejoiced at the Winds”,
“Golden Glory of the Day.”   Those are some pretty
powerful names.

Patrick:  Certainly are.

Wayne:  So I just thought we’d keep this kind of in
mind and….so…

Patrick:  What about, just off the top of my head, what
about asking the Sun what he thinks about those names?

Wayne:  Oh, I’d love that, let’s do that, I think, yeah. 
How would you like to start?

Patrick:  Like we did before Wayne, you do the questions
and I see what comes through.

Wayne:  Give me a second here to…

Patrick:  Let me just tell everybody, I do not know any
questions in advance.  I don’t know what’s going to
come through. We have to be careful with the Sun
because he does love telling us off!

Wayne:  Found that out!  I don’t know, maybe when
you go back and listen to the episodes, chastisement
seems to be something that he just...either you have a
strong self-image of yourself or you don’t go in front of
these characters, they’ll put you in your place!  Give
me a second just to get my mental focus in there and
so it just takes me a little bit. Okay, yeah...May we speak
to the energy called the Sun?

Patrick:  Yes, hello Wayne.

Wayne:  How are you?

Patrick:  I’m very well thank you.  Long time, no speak.

Wayne:  Yes sir it certainly has been and we have missed
you and I have been watching you everyday, it seems like
you’re awakening from a that true?

Patrick:  My energy is changing, that’s correct.

Wayne:  That’s what I thought.  It’s almost, Sun, as though
we can sense a change in the energy that you’re sending
out at least for myself and I know there’s others, so, I just
would like to acknowledge it and say thank you.

Patrick:  Changes are about to happen to the human population. 
The change in my energy and what I transmit to you is part of
that change.

Wayne:  Thank you, I would like to have more discussions
about that.  Sun, we have been reading, our ancestors, who
had a host of names for do you feel about those
names?  Are those names today acceptable to you and have
they been acceptable to you?

Patrick:  Over the centuries I have been called many things,
most of these characteristics, but they are not my name.  As
mentioned before, we have no names, we only have frequency.

Wayne:  Thank you for reminding us of that, and even for myself,
that the frequency drives everything.  That is something that we
learned the first time we were talking.

Patrick:  Frequency is everything.

Wayne:  Yes sir, I agree with you.  So Sun, that’s the name
that we’ll use (I like Sol, I think that’s a cool name) do you
take physical form amongst particularly the life forms here
on this planet? 

Patrick:  That has always been the case with myself and my
children--all the other planets and even some moons incarnate
into human form.

Wayne:  I see that, I just got an image of...Patrick, I’ll tell
you this, I just got this image of, the only thing I know is
what I saw was like energy that literally transmutes itself
into physical matter.  Wow! I may just have broken the
stream there but it hit me so hard when you said that,
that is exactly what I saw.

Patrick:  My witness of it I suppose.

Wayne:  Did anyone else...I'm looking in the chat room.

Patrick:  Very strong.

Wayne:  That was extra…..I wasn’t in my body, I mean,
I literally was what...I'm going to describe it again.  It’s
energy, it was amazing and I wouldn’t say it was a veil,
but it was something that passed through and suddenly
materialized into physical form.  That’s what I saw.

Patrick:  Um hm, a transmutation of sorts.

Wayne:  Wow! Okay now this is (laughter).

Patrick:  We’re off Wayne!

Wayne:  (Laughter)  We are! Oh my, my, my.

Patrick:  Did anyone else feel the energy?

Wayne:  Yeah, that’s what I’m looking for.  Did anyone
sense that energy when Patrick was talking?  Peter West
is saying--”it was engulfing.”

Patrick:  Exactly

Wayne:  Yeah, yeah.

Patrick:  I have come to understand, believe--whatever
way you want to say it, that when I get responses from
whomever I’m connecting with, it’s not necessarily what
is being said, it’s what is being felt.

Wayne:  That makes more sense to me because intent is gr….

Patrick:  Indeed, yes.  It’s the intent behind the message. 
(the dog jumps on the chair behind Patrick’s head)  This is Koppa.

Wayne:  Hi Copper.

Patrick:  2 years old.

Wayne:  t’s a purdy boy.  How are you?

Patrick:  There looking for a new home Wayne, if
you want them.

Wayne:  Over the ocean would be a little tram and
Dancer would probably say WHAT?  I love this.
Frannie said--”felt like a true light, not artificial.”
I would agree with that.  Angel is saying--”very intense.”
So something, the connections are getting stronger Patrick.
I am so glad, it’s almost like we’re just stepping back
in as wherever that journey has already taken us.

Patrick:  Yes.

Wayne:  Wow! Okay, that was far out.  So I just want
to review several things.  The Sun has told us change
is coming. We know next week, I guess it’s Saturday,
or is it Friday, is the summer solstice, is that right?

Patrick:  21st isn’t it?

Wayne:  Yeah, I think it is the 21st, so that would be Friday. 
And I don’t know about you Patrick, my wife has noticed in
me particularly, but it’s just like there is this energy it’s (???) 
Yeah, and it’s far out. It’s not, I don’t know it...I'll admit to this,
there’s times when I’m just walking and I’ll start kinda dancing,
ya know, it’s an invigorating feeling (laughs)  Alright folks,
anyone, let’s see, Ellen says--”eclipse in South America.”
Okay, yeah. So lots of energy going on in here. “Colorful
energies” Angelfish says. “Naked witches jumping
around bonfires”  (much laughter)

Patrick:  Wonder who that was?

Wayne:  Gary, I love you man.

Patrick:  Got to be Gary Baxter.

Wayne:  It’s Gary Baxter.  Ya gotta love it. And look at
here, Julie from Queensland is joining us.  I know it
must be what, 3 o’clock in the morning there? So,
welcome. Al would like to say:  ”Can we talk to the
moon?” Well, certainly we can. What would you like
us to ask the moon Al?  I’ll let the thing…Julie-Ann-Payne
says she’s “dancing in.” Folks, Julie has, I’m going
to try to get her on here--she is a powerful,
powerful ...I don’t know what the right word is...she’s
a very wise woman, I’ll put it that way.  Al? You
asked to speak ...(laughs) come on Al. “The
moon was very bright last night”--yes it was.

Patrick:  It was very bright, yeah.

Wayne:  Yeah. “Would like to speak to Venus and
Jupiter.”  Well, everyone, we can, just send us your questions.

Patrick:  We need your questions.  They don’t like
just being asked “do you have a message for
me?” They do not like that!

Wayne:  No they don’t!

Patrick:  They do not like repeated questions either.

Wayne:  Alright, you know what, I’ll ask the first question of the moon.

Patrick:  Sure...Our moon, yes?

Wayne:  Yes, our moon.  May we speak to the moon,
the frequency called the moon?

Patrick:  Yes.

Wayne:  How are you?

Patrick:  I am okay Wayne, thank you very much.

Wayne:  Seems to be a lot of changes taking place
on your surface.

Patrick:  The moon you see in the sky is fake, I am
further out, I am dark in nature.

Wayne:  I’ve heard of you...WOW!  So what are
we seeing that illuminates our skies?

Patrick:  You are seeing a projected image.

Wayne:  Interesting...we would call it a hologram,
is that what we’re in essence seeing?

Patrick:  You all, including myself, are within an
holographic universe.

Wayne:  Yes, I would agree with that.  Our scientists
have discovered a very large amount of metal on the
southern holes of what we see.  Is there any substances
that, because we’re actually detecting it, is that from you,
or what are we seeing, or what are we detecting?

Patrick:  The technology used to show these projections
to you mirror my characteristics, however they are trying
to use this technology as a control function.  

Wayne:  We’re seeing what appears to be light being emitted
from the surface of what we’re seeing.  Can you tell us what
we’re witnessing? Or it seems that there is something changing
about the image that we’re seeing. 

Patrick:  They are having problems keeping the image stable. 
My energies are changing and this change can be detected on
Earth.  They have to simulate the image to correspond with
those changes. They do not always get it correct.

Wayne:  A question I have for you, and thank you for sharing
your thoughts with us, there has been the detection of what looks
to be a very large “craft” is the best word we could have.  Are
there crashed crafts on your surface that others have, what we
would call, from another species?

Patrick:  Yes, that is correct.  Many such craft, many different
species have been here over the, what you would call time.

Wayne:  I thought ...yeah, okay...I'm hearing, and thank you.
They’re harvesting something off you, aren’t they? 

Patrick:  It’s all to do with energy Wayne.

Wayne:  Yeah...Well thank you, thank you so much, I
appreciate it.  Thank you moon, we appreciate this.

Patrick:  You’re welcome.

Wayne:  WOW!

Patrick:  Wow! We’re going to say that a lot.

Wayne:  That’s interesting because, what I wasn’t asking,
but what, ya know, what we now know what is going on,
there is, and it’s coming out that there is apparently a newly
discovered energy source that, I don’t know, makes you
think…..Darth Reven--”I was playing with the rods during 
The Last Stand what frequency was sending the ringing
@R Wayne Steiger.”  Well, we know that many of them
are sending out frequencies.  I know that virtually every
one of the planets, since you and I last got together Patrick,
are all showing signs of what we call the Schumann Resonance
here on Earth, but they’re all exhibiting change.

Patrick:  Change.

Wayne:  Yeah, let’s just stop and talk about this cause
this is something I don’t know how to address to the planets,
or to the moon itself, but I get this sense, we’re hurtling
through space, I don’t believe that we stay stationery. 
I contend that there are regions of space that have a unique
radiation to them and I think it affects all life--ALL life.
And I think...good, good so this is what I’m thinking, I don’t
know it seems as though, and I remember someone a
number of years ago Patrick, kept saying that we were
about to enter into a region of space where we would begin
to see and feel the change.

Patrick:  We’ve been told that we’re entering into an area of
space we haven’t done before.  I don’t know if it was on “Talking
With the Planets” or some of my other shows, but we’re told
we’re traveling across the galaxy towards the center.

Wayne:  WOW! That brings up a real good point, because in
the transcripts, as I was reading last night, there was prime...And
I believe it was Uranus who was kinda telling us that, hey folks,
there’s something coming in you need to be sensing about.

Patrick:  Yeah, cause he’s far enough out to see it.

Wayne:  Yeah, yeah.  Now the questions are flying so
fast I can’t read them (laughter).  Sorry folks, I’m
going--what?? Ya know, maybe let’s just say I’d like
to find out about our outer giants.  I’ve been thinking
more and more about this Saturn, I gotta tell you, there’s
something about Saturn that still mystifies me.

Patrick:  From what I understand Saturn used to be a sun,
came in cause we exchanged planets all the time ( Patrick
mentions about his dogs here: they get too boisterous,
I’ll put them up).  So we lose planets, we gain planets, they
change. Saturn was a sun and is not now, it’s developed rings,
those rings are being used by the Elohim to control us.
Jupiter is ascending to become a sun, then we could have a
split, we could have two solar systems, we could have a binary
system, who knows?

Wayne:  So we now know with Cassini, that we’re not finding
out that the rings do sing.  

Patrick:  Yes

Wayne:  Yeah

Patrick:  At different frequencies.

Wayne:  That’s very interesting because I think it
has, again, a profound effect upon us here...and I
think that an intelligence greater than all our own
could easily manipulate the energy and the frequency
of a planet.

Patrick:  Yes. There are, especially alien species
or interdimensional species, that have technology
that can control this holographic universe that we’re in.  

Wayne:  Someone said right, and I think it was one
of our last shows, that they felt that we’d gotten the
attention of some of these species.

Patrick:  It’s almost as though we’re in a big D-wave
computer Wayne, being assimilated.

Wayne:  Um hm, um hm.  Caroline, hi Caroline.  “All
of that is Patrick is saying was on “Talking With the Planets”
episode 13.  There you go. You know, I’d kinda like to just
maybe talk to those fellas out there, and maybe I have to
say I didn’t sense any one of them being more of the feminine
nature, did you?

Patrick:  (the dogs are now getting very noisy in the
background)  I’ll just settle the dogs down Wayne.

Wayne:  Okay.

Patrick:  They’re a bit boisterous.  They’re missing mommy. 

Wayne:  Well (laughter) they’re feeling the energy folks,
how can you not?  Well Wendy, they are for adoption (laughs)
so if you’re serious, talk to Patrick, he will let us know that. 
Let’s see, Flat Earth Podcast says: “there are no aliens,
just extraterrestrials=extra terra=extra land. They come
from here.”  Well….

Patrick:  Sorry about that Wayne.

Wayne:  No, no, that’s completely understandable.

Patrick:  ? (garbled)

Wayne:  Hey, (laughs) that was said about me many
times (laughter).  That’s all I can say--it happens. Wow,
this is so interesting, let’s proceed out.  I think we just
ought to say hello, I mean, ya know, back in the day,
when you would move into a new neighborhood here
in the states Patrick, they had this, it was like a local,
non-profit help, ya know, they had a, called Welcome Wagon.

Patrick:  Alright.

Wayne:  Yeah, so ya know, I think we ought to just go
back and kinda knock on the door and say hello, how
are you guys doing and let’s see what’s happening.

Patrick:  Go...go for it.

Wayne:  Alright.  I’ve had a strong sense about Jupiter,
so let’s see if we can talk to the frequency called
Jupiter...are you there?

Patrick:  Yes, hello Wayne

Wayne:  How are you my friend?

Patrick:  I am doing very well, thank you.

Wayne:  I see changes are still dramatically taking
place on your surface.

Patrick:  These changes are ongoing.  I believe I’ve
mentioned that before.

Wayne:  You have, you have sir and I was curious,
there seems to be a change in what we call the Great
Red Eye Storm, it’s going this part of this
change you are talking about?

Patrick:  Yes, the effect that is happening is due to
the acceleration of the solar system in a forward direction.

Wayne:  Thank you for bringing that up, so, it has
been said that we’re sensing so...we are actually speeding up.

Patrick:  Correct.

Wayne:  Are we being drawn towards something, or
is this just the natural course of our solar system?

Patrick:  It is connected to the, what you would call
the centrifugal force of the galaxy.

Wayne:  So Jupiter, can you maybe help shed
some light.  There is a great controversy on with
humans, that there are some that are saying we
seem to be heading towards the center of the
Milky Way, and there are others that are saying
that we’re actually out further away.  Which one is it?

Patrick:  At this moment in time we are heading
towards the center.  It is possible that this could
change, it is an unknown.

Wayne:  Jupiter, I just saw something, so…

Patrick:  There are other objects being drawn
into this region of space, this galaxy.  There are
objects leaving our galaxy, it all has an influence on Earth.

Wayne:  Is this the result of the collision that took
place between the galaxy that we’re, whatever we’re
involved in here?  Are we still feeling the effects of that?

Patrick:  It’s still ongoing, it has not completed yet.

Wayne:  (Laughs)  Thank you.  It’s still ongoing, thank that…..

Patrick:  I believe you know that Wayne.

Wayne:  Ya know, yeah, I’ve been criticized for that,
but that’s what I keep seeing, so thank you Jupiter,
big hug to you--I mean that when I project that out. 
Is there anything that you’d like to say?

Patrick:  It is an interesting time, it is a worrying time. 
The planets are concerned, especially if there is an
unknown about where we are going.  Should we
eventually reach the galactic center, what happens then?
There are many debris fields that we have to pass through that will be a difficult transition.

Wayne:  I see that sir.

Patrick:  Part of my job is to attract such debris away
from the Earth, it is my job to absorb it.

Wayne:  You’re a sentinel, aren’t you?

Patrick:  I’m a guardian.

Wayne:  A guardian, yes, yeah.  Well it’s been an honor
to be in your presence.  My lifetime of living on this planet,
you have protected this planet several times that I know
of in my lifetime and I just want to say thank you on behalf of humanity.

Patrick:  You’re very welcome.  It is a privilege. 

Wayne:  Thank you Jupiter, thank you.  Wow! (laughs)

Patrick:  We always get extra, don’t we Wayne?

Wayne:  Yes we do!  Now, you know, the thing that kept
getting to me, is there a supernova headed this way? 
You know Al, it’s interesting that you’re saying that, because
when you spoke that Patrick, what I saw were like, we
would call them dust bunnies, you know, they hide underneath
the bed.  And it’s like, when the motion that we’re apparently
being propelled by, you begin to pull those in.

Patrick:  Yeah.

Wayne:  That’s what I was seeing.

Patrick:  Attraction.

Wayne:  I don’t know what that means ahead of us folks,
but it would appear that something is afoot.  And going
back, and Caroline, you can probably, and I know Lee would
probably as well, is that...who was it that kept warning us about,
I can’t remember, was it Pluto?  One of them kept telling us…

Patrick:  Neptune or Pluto, on of those.

Wayne:  One of the two.

Patrick:  One of those two were very concerned about
what they sensed, or could see coming.

Wayne:  Yeah, yeah.

Patrick:  Have to go through the transcripts.

Wayne:  Wow, I think somebody wants your dogs Patrick.

Patrick:  Are they in England?

Wayne:  That’s what I’m telling them.  Wendy Johnson,
who is in the chat room that’s what I’m seeing. 
“Turn left and we’re gonna crash” (laughter). Well Peter,
we don’t want any crashing going on here ya know, this
is like ...NO!  But wow, that was so interesting and still
replaying that conversation. These had to be magnificent
creatures...I call them creatures because that’s what WE are. 
I mean, to an alien, extraterrestrial, wherever, we would be a
creature in our own right.

Patrick:  It’s life isn’t it, we’re alive, they’re alive.

Wayne:  Yeah, yeah...WOW!  I’m telling you, I’m having
dreams--I had one last night.  There was a time that these
beings actually dwelled, or they found it to be very pleasant here. 
I just know’t know what happened to get them removed.

Patrick:  If they’ve gone.

Wayne:  And why...I like how you’ve said, they.  I think
that they still manifest themselves, just not as how we
perceive them to be at the time, gods.

Patrick:  I think that they would call themselves
something different than gods.

Wayne:  I think they would too.

Patrick:  We’re limited by our understanding, and
religion over the centuries has been distorted. Many
things, I mean they’ve taken the feminine out of the
Bible, what else have they done, ya know.

Wayne:  Yes, 7P, I like what you’ve said--”for the moon:  When
performing Magick for the moon, where should we look or
send our focus?”

Patrick:  Question to ask.

Wayne:  Yeah, alright.  May we speak to you the moon
frequency again?

Patrick:  I’m still here Wayne.

Wayne:  Thank you. We practice magic here, we know
that you have a very strong energy force, we can actually
feel it.  The question has been, that in performing magic,
where we are actually tapping into your energy, where
should we look or where should we send our focus
where you are concerned?

Patrick:  Far as magic is concerned, there is not dark
magic, there is not light magic, there is only magic. 
Magic is a frequency like everything else and can be
used for good or for bad. To connect with my frequency
you do not have to see me, you have to focus on me,
you have to have the right intention and you have to
have the right belief and we will connect,  You will not doubt
that the connection is me, you will know.

Wayne:  Thank you, thank you so much...I, thank you,
thank you moon frequency, thank you.  Alright, so this is what I saw….

Patrick:  I’m starting to get images now Wayne.

Wayne:  I am too.  Alright, tell me what you saw, cause
I’ll hold...I saw mine...ho, ho, ho.

Patrick:  I saw, because when I think of the moon I
don’t think of the white thing in the sky, I think of the
dark thing in the distance...right?

Wayne:  This is blowing my freakin mind!

Patrick:  And the influence it has over us is very,
very strong.  I believe it’s getting stronger and I felt
that influence wrapping itself around the whole planet.
Crazy, isn't it?

Wayne:  No, no, cause this is probably really going
to take you back, so while you were talking, what I was
meditating on this, what I saw was a dark object, but
what was coming off of it were silver illuminating rays.

Patrick:  It may be dark but it’s not dark in focus, in
energy, in frequency, in intent, in purpose.  It’s only
dark because it’s not emitting light, it doesn’t have
light on it. It’s too far out .

Wayne:  That is so freaking...that's what I saw and it
was quite amazing because you could see the rays
emanating from, yeah, this object it was dark, ya know. 
Wow! How far out is that? And…

Patrick:  Good to be back Wayne!

Wayne:  So I’ve been practicing meditating in lucid
dreaming.  And one of the things that I keep being
pulled to is that these planets, they emit, ya know,
their own energy, their own frequency, we’re impacted
by it, we share it.

Patrick:  We absorb it.

Wayne:  Yes, yes, and so I’ll tell you what, the moon,
what I got was this picture of sitting at a round table
and being instructed by what we would call this
energy called the moon.

Patrick:  I...I can see that, I can feel it.  Yeah. Like
being in a classroom Wayne.

Wayne:  Yes, exactly and that is what...and folks,
I think as we...ah, Truthseeker--”has Wayne ever
mentioned the “Black Moon Lilith” before?  I have
NOT! But that is very interesting because I think
that that’s exactly what the moon was saying to us.

Patrick:  We were talking earlier about the planets
incarnating into some of us...Lilith does the same.

Wayne:  Yeah, yeah and by the way, since we
brought out Lilith at the beginning of this year,
Lilith is everywhere!

Patrick:  Isn’t she just.

Wayne:  And all of you just who’ve been looking
for tee shirts, Amazon, now because of demand,
now you can go and simply type in a tee shirt Lilith,
and Patrick, you can now buy her sigil readily now.

Patrick:  Wow!

Wayne:  You know, maybe we are entering wife
and I was talking about this over the weekend, “The Lord
of the Rings” was on and I particularly like that trilogy
and “The Hobbit.”  I’m convinced ….

Patrick:  Lot of truth in that Wayne.

Wayne:  Thank you sir, I’m glad that you know, I’ll be 64
tomorrow, but I firmly believe that we were in a region of
space where there was a time where man walked with
the other species.  And it wasn’t the same Earth that
we’re on here today, I’m convinced of that Patrick. I don’t
know what happened to that Earth, but, I mean physically
it may have some of the same spots but ...boy, I can’t…

Patrick:  Why don’t you ask her?

Wayne:  Let’s do this, alright.  May we speak to the
frequency called Earth?

Patrick:  Hello Wayne.

Wayne:  Hello Mother, how are you?

Patrick:  I am doing very well.  There are changes continuing
but I am managing them okay at the moment.

Wayne:  Well, we love you, missed you.  I have a question
for you. We were just talking that...was there a time of what
we would call a period called Middle Earth when there were
many other intelligences walking this planet?

Patrick:  There have been many civilizations upon my surface
and indeed within.  These have changed over the ions of what
you would call time, some of these civilizations have ascended,
for example, the Atlanteans have ascended, the Mayans have
ascended, there are others that went completely the wrong way
and I triggered a reset and they were wiped out and replaced. 
Your future is in balance at the moment--you could go either way.

Wayne:  I sense that.  I sense that in many ways Earth, that we
almost are approaching where we have been before and at a crossroads.

Patrick:  There is, what you would call, a tipping point approaching. 
It will tip one way or the other.

Wayne:  Mother, if while we have you here and there’s just
an overwhelming love that I sense emanating from you--your
magnetic poles are wandering.  Is this more sign that we are
in the middle of a pole reversal?

Patrick:  I believe I have mentioned this before.  The north and
south poles are attracted to each other and they will meet at the
equator.  This will not be very pleasant for you on the surface.

Wayne:  I can imagine, I can imagine.  Earth, there is some that
are saying that you are beginning to cool, is this true?

Patrick:  There is that effect being felt but it’s primarily because
I am expanding, so the surface is getting further away from what
lies beneath.  There are many changes about, both energetically
and physically.

Wayne:  I have another question Earth and maybe, I don’t know if
we’re equipped to understand it, but our scientists have noticed
that YOU are now beginning to emit cosmic rays.  This is something
I don’t understand. How does that happen?

Patrick:  It is all part of who and what we are as planets, our make-up. 
We are designed for this to happen. It is, as I believe I have said
before, an ongoing process--change is permanent, change happens
all the time.  Nothing stays the same.

Wayne:  Earth, as you were talking, I sensed, I saw an envelope
around you that is morphing.  I don’t even know if that’s the right
word, but that’s the mental image I got from you.

Patrick:  The changes in the magnetic poles are affecting the
energetic signature that I have.  

Wayne:  That’s...that’s...thank you Earth.  We just send our
love to you. We love you, I just wanted to let you know that.

Patrick:  I feel the love and I reciprocate.

Wayne:  Thank you.

Patrick:  Do not live in fear.

Wayne:  We shall not, we shall not.  Wow, okay, that is
again...this is, this is very interesting.  Oddly enough,
they are actually meeting at the equator. It’s some of the
things we’re observing.  We know that magnetic south is
now hell-bent, in ah, heading to the equator down around Indonesia.

Patrick:  Really? Wow!

Wayne:  Yup, yup it is, and the north magnetic pole position
has gotten moving so fast that even our government
agencies here can no longer give proper projections
to where it’s going.

Patrick:  I saw a news article, I can’t remember where
it was, but they have at airports, on the runways, they
have the bearings in numbers on the actual runway, right,
they’re having to change those because they’re altering.

Wayne:  One airport, I think it was in Tampa, the were
seeing 6 degrees off.

Patrick:  Really...that’s a lot.

Wayne:  You don’t wanna be 6...that’d be like you and
me going--ah, Patrick, the road’s here, it’s not here
anymore.  (Laughter) That’s when you are gonna say
“yeah, that’s because it’s 6 degrees over there!”

Patrick:  Wow! If I went to Scotland and I was 6 degrees
off, I’d be in the North Sea!

Wayne:  You would be!  (Laughter) It would be a hell of
a dunk!  Wow! Okay, Al, I’m seeing your question here as
well, we’re just running out of time….

Patrick:  Wow...dear oh dear.

Wayne:  Well, ya know, there’s things I wanna ask about
Antarctica...I'm gonna have to go back...what the Earth
just said about the cosmic rays being emanated, it was profound in the aspect that she said--”this is what we do, this is what planets do.”

Patrick:  Yeah, it’s not new.

Wayne:  Yeah, I mean, we just haven’t discovered it yet.

Patrick:  Or we have and it’s all been forgotten.

Wayne:  True, very true.  Patrick, I’m telling you, these
sessions just absolutely are studden (stunning?). 
The debris field, I can’t get that out of my head now.

Patrick:  I keep seeing that, yeah.  And Jupiter is aware of that.

Wayne:  And why wouldn’t it be, I mean...WOW. 
Okay, and Alain, you’re right--”don’t let the fear
control you”, listen….

Patrick:  Nothing to be afraid of.

Wayne:  The thing is, we’re on this ride, it’s,
ya know, I love riding roller coasters.

Patrick:  Me too.

Wayne:  And so when we get on them, we know
your gonna have your ups and your gonna have
your downs.  And then these days you also have
all your turn arounds. I don’t know, maybe I’m a
romantic Patrick, but I kinda like the old wooden
type of roller coasters.

Patrick:  Ones that chuck you about a bit.

Wayne:  Yeah, yeah, the ones that you have to go
to the chiropractor and get yourself realigned again.

Patrick:  Yeah.

Wayne:  The new ones out, you know, I didn’t sign
up to be a test pilot (laughter)I told a person because
they wanted, ya know, they invited us out and I said NO,
I said the roller coasters today, again that’s what I said,
I didn’t sign up to be a test pilot.  I like the movements
(Wayne is waving his hand up and down) anyway...well
Mr. Patrick, an hour as come and gone.

Patrick:  That is crazy.

Wayne:  Didn’t feel it did it?  No, it did not.

Patrick:  No

Wayne:  “Please Earth, send me a….”oh, come on now
Chris, Chris, I’ll tell you what, if you want one, I happen
to know Lilith personally and she’ll be more than happy
to accommodate you.  How serious are you?

Patrick:  Be careful of what you ask for!

Wayne:  Be very careful Chris...don’t, and here, I’ve never
seen you before.  I’ll just tell you Chris, we don’t play games
like that. These spirits are real and succubuses do exist and…

Patrick:  Don’t invite one in, whatever you do.

Wayne:  Don’t. You would not like the feeling, trust me. 
Alright, so Patrick, you look so good my friend. You know,
I have deep love and respect for you.  You are a brother
from another mother no doubt about it, and thank you
Ellen, thank you (she wished Wayne happy birthday). 
Thank you Truth in Me. We got some of the best people
here Patrick, they love you, you know that.

Patrick:  I know, I can feel it.

Wayne  We all know that the journey was very difficult
and but I gotta tell you, I just sense that Angie is still
with us.  Thank you James.

Patrick:  Well, I’m in connection with Angie, we’re talking, so …

Wayne:  Now, you have a channel, is it “Talking with Angie”?

Patrick:  No, the channel is called “The Garratt’s Legacy”,
if you google that, I shall come up and where I used to do
a program called “Ask Patrick” I now do a program called
“Ask Angie” and I do not connect with, like I was just
connecting with the planets and the Sun, I don’t do that
whole connection, I just connect with Angie and she
connects with all the others and that protects me.

Wayne:  Yeah. How is she by the way?

Patrick:  She’s having a whale of a time.

Wayne:  Yes...really?

Patrick:  Yeah, yeah.

Wayne:  I want to get Brian on here and maybe have
you and Brian come on together.  Brian’s mother just
recently passed over and I was listening to him over on
“Milky Way Messenger” channel, it was quite beautiful. 
Yes, the separation is never enjoyable, but Patrick, there
seems to be a stronger connection with the other side.

Patrick:  I started doing what I do because of knowing
what was going to happen to Angie.  Angie first got cancer
20 years ago and they gave her a 75% chance of surviving
5 years, and she survived 20, so I knew I was going to
lose her at some point.  I wanted to talk with her and
receive a response afterwards, so I started playing around
with the rods, then moved on to the pendulum, and you and
Jeffrey started talking with the planets, and the rest is history. 
And I am now in connection with Angie after the event.

Wayne:  And I absolutely believe that, I know it to be true. 
And I’m excited, like I said….

Patrick:  That’s why I set up the youtube channel, to document
my progress, because when I first started, I was very, very slow,
it was laborious, but when you put the words together into a
sentence what was coming through, that Mars video that I did
and sent to you, that touched me so deeply that one.

Wayne:  Yeah. We’re going to pick up, I believe we’re entering i
n a new phase.  I think we’ve in one way, with Angie passing,
we’re all gonna be there, but I gotta tell you, I watched the video
you did, you made with her, the Righteous Brothers, and I’m just
telling you, there’s just a sense of love that’s ever present.

Patrick:  We were married 43 years, we never had an argument.

Wayne:  Ya see? That’s what I’m talking about.  And I’ve talked
with others who’ve lost loved ones and there was a profound sense
of grief, but Patrick, I never sensed that with you, never sensed it with her either.

Patrick: I am fortunate, it’s very quiet here, the silence is deafening,
it isn’t easy to adjust, but I am still in communication with her so I am
in a more fortunate position than most people.

Wayne:  Yeah, yeah.  It can be an aid to you.  Trust me, it
can be. And I know the ...yeah, yeah….

Patrick:  It’s only been 6 weeks.

Wayne:  I know, and you know, this is where we have to
look at life.  When I look at my wife Lynn, we both know
that that day will come.

Patrick:  One of you will be left behind at some point.

Wayne:  And we’re much like you and Angie.  We’re saying,
alright, so what can we say to each other, what can we do,
what small things can be done?  And so what we’re learning
to do is...and you and Angie and most couples who are truly
united together, it’s that mental telepathy.  It’s being able to
communicate without words. As I told Lynn, I said honey,
anything happens, I said, that is how it’s done and it’s gonna
have to be focused in on me, or visa-versa.

Patrick:  And Angie and I had many conversations about
what would happen and our intention and that was why
we’re successful.

Wayne:  Yeah, yeah, so…

Patrick:  We planned for this.

Wayne:  Stellar Core, that’s a great word--bonded.  Thank you.

Patrick:  Bonded, yep, I agree with that.

Wayne:  Hey Ruth, how are you doing?  Ruth, I wanna
get you back on.  So many good people here. Patrick,
it’s just...this is a family, no doubt about it.

Patrick:  Anyone wants to contact me, just go on to youtube,
type in “The Garratt’s Legacy” and if you go on that channel,
go in the about part of it, you’ll see a view email button, you
click that then you have to prove you’re not a robot, then the
email will come up and that will be that.

Wayne:  Cool, cool, cool, cool, cool.  Alright my friend next Tuesday?

Patrick:  Sure, be good.

Wayne:  Okay, send the questions and if you’ll send them to us
ahead of time, we'll have them like we used to, and folks, ya
know Patrick, there was there at the end, we were getting pages,
I had 8 pages!

Patrick:  I know, I know, yeah.

Wayne:  Alright, good Caroline.  Ya know, Caroline is just so
sharp, she’s put up the links, so.

Patrick:  Thank you Caroline.

Wayne:  She is a darling and we love her and we love all
the rest of you folks as well.  Thank you for joining us. This
has been a privilege and um, next Tuesday, right?

Patrick:  Same time, same place, same channel.

Wayne:  That’s where we’ll be, right here.  We love you folks,
thank you for all the birthday wishes.  My love to you.
Be good to yourself.

Patrick:  Good-bye everybody, love you.

Wayne:  Gotta let him say good-bye too! 

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2 July 2019 #16

Wayne is asking the questions and Patrick is “connecting” with, and answering for the entity being asked.  There are some spots where the ...